Do you trust the "vaccine"? Why?

Do you trust the "vaccine"? Why?

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It was rushed out the door 5 times faster than the average testing period for a vaccine.
We won't have had a full clinical trial period for another ~4 years.

I do.

Because if it works, a bunch of fucking anti-vax idiots die from covid and society is rid of them.

However, in the very slim chance it kills me and everyone I love, it means we don't have to be around insufferable anti-vax assholes.

It's a win-win.

Hi Vlad, nice stock image that all you faggots use.

The default insult name for Russians is Ivan.

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That's nice Vlad.

I could go to Europe for a couple weeks, all expenses paid if I got it
still won't get it

ITT: OP doesn't respond or stand up for his 'opinions'.

Yes, because idiots keep putting quotation marks around it like they're smarter than the entire world's doctors and act like it must be a conspiracy against them, because surely they can't be fucking imbeciles. Then they go vote Trump even though it's not even an election year, cry out "Let's go Brandon!" Chuckle to themselves and cum out their micro dick before falling asleep in mum's basement.

So, yeah, they are a good roadmap on what not to be in life. I'll get my shot, just like my flu every year and all the other vaccines I've had.

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>It was rushed out the door 5 times faster than the average testing period for a vaccine.
>We won't have had a full clinical trial period for another ~4 years.
Moron spotted

>Do you trust the "vaccine"?
Because of the well-documented development and approval process, plus billions of doses have been administered

>Because of the well-documented development and approval process
You mean the one we have to wait 75 years to see?

>You mean the one we have to wait 75 years to see?
WTF are you on about?

the worst part is you don't even know how retarded and uninformed you are

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I did trust it. I took it.

Once the government tried to mandate it by force.
THATS is when I started to have second thoughts.
If it is such a good thing... Why must it be forced upon people?

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Trump was pro vaccine and a lot of Trumpers were not. So not sure I get the relation of your point.

If your a healthy person covid is going to do very little to you. Just like the flu. The issue people have is forced mandates. I dont think the govt should force people to take any medication against their will. Many countries have done it in history and it was truely evil.

If you think the vaccine works get it your fine. I don't think it does by logic test reasoning alone. I think it made things worse since it is a leading cause of creating varients. I also think if it worked you would have seen a huge black market. Any good working drug had a black market. Nope not this shot and it wasnt available to everyone for a while. But in the end I want people to have a choice not forced by government

Because people are dipshits who don't want a good thing. Or they're lazy.

Carrot doesn't work, so use the stick.

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>Why must it be forced upon people?
Because it's not 100% effective and some people cannot be vaccinated. Plus the virus can mutate more easily if it infects immune-compromised individuals

Oh, look. We're down to posting meme pictures supplied by the retards handler because he can't string an argument together


ofc i do.
it works, but we still have to take shots every 4 months. the virus is a bad bitch, like influenza.

i would definitely die if i catch this thing. i have
allergic bronchitis.

Yeah, it's prevented countless unnecessary deaths and is prescribed by people that are actually doctors and not internet quacks/political commentators

Bullshit, I know two healthy people that died before the vaxx came out. One in his 20's the other in great shape and 55. It can hit anyone hard and not let go. I know others still having health issues after getting it, but once the vax came out, everyone I know has pulled through fine after getting it because they had some health. I've heard of others still dying, most that refused it and got sick, but thankfully I dont know too many idiots.

No vaccine is 100% effective.

>it works
>doesn't stop you from catching covid
>doesn't stop you from spreading covid
Pick two.

Exactly the kind of ideology a Fascist would have.
Literally what you just said there. Thats What Fascism looks like.

"We do these things for the greater good, rather you like it or not. You will comply!"

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Keep coping with the sunk cost fallacy. Each jab is giving you more permanent heart damage until your heart is so scarred and hardened that you become another heart attack statistic.

>No vaccine is 100% effective.
True. But many, like polio, are closer to 99% and are classed as "sterilising". None of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are.

Sure, it didn't kill me. And now I'm immune to COVID-19.