When will black people stop getting mad every time a non black says nigga or nigger...

When will black people stop getting mad every time a non black says nigga or nigger? Is this the only thing your people own? A slur? If you get offended by someone calling you a nogger, you're the biggest pussy on the planet and stupid too.

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God damn it i want to eat princess jasmine's ass so bad

> be 30
> still play vidya
> be in a clan
> players of all types on there
> be white, free pass to say nigga because have black clanmates who I argue with because they'll do something retarded in game
And so on...only ones we go hard on are Puerto Ricans, because they're beyond obnoxious and think they're clever.
Oop...time to let him have it.



It’s about respect..I don’t disagree that a word shouldn’t hold such power. But, I respect the want of not wanting to be looked at as less than others. It’s not a word, it’s a way to look at people that don’t deserve to be viewed as inferior. Because it doesn’t take a genius to see that all people no matter looks, are not the same. It all needs to be let go of..all the racial BS just moves us farther away from being good humans and deserving to survive.

Don't you think that if black people allowed non blacks to say nigga, there would be significant racial equality? I think so.


That would mean an open heart and open real dialogue. I don’t believe we’re anywhere close to evolving to that point yet. We’re all still shit slingers..

Yeah, mane

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No. Black people are choosing to be shitslingers everytime a non black says nigga.

Ok…I think I would be on the angry side if “my people” were and still are treated like inferior beings. You can’t say that as a race they haven’t been “fucked with”. Life is struggle enough even when you don’t have an entire race of people doing their best to make sure your people never reach equal..

This. They didn't do nothing. They just want us to let them burn, loot and murder freely for the rest of history. Nothing wrong with that and it's the least we could do for them after a few years of forcing them to work for once.

Kek, you baiting SOB.. there are good people of all color. And there is definitely bad people of all color. Question always is, which one are you?


I guess it depends on whether or not you believe in real morality or nigger "morality." If it's the latter, I can see why you'd think I'm the bad guy for simply wanting my town to still be standing tomorrow.

It’s not the word, it’s the power behind the word.

There are still racist killers out there (see: the ahmaud arbery case). When you say the n word you make yourself look like a racist. You look like the kind of person that makes the world scary for black people.

It’s not just the sound, the n word has a ton of power, and as long as there’s racism it will never be ok to say it.

I don’t think anyone is the “bad guy”. I think we all were taught some wrong shit. Any many refuse to see that they were taught hate before even knowing someone. Just doesn’t make sense or seem right. Every human has the right to exist without some asshole making them feel inferior. That goes beyond race..

I mean it's a dark part of their past.
If like if you would be called mass murderer every day for your families history of killing native Americans. Or Jews or what ever your country did horrible in the past. Cause there is no country without a dark past

So if someone says nigger they are racist. That means a lot of black people are racist.

>Cause there is no country without a dark past
Fuckin A…humans are assholes to humans for no good reason.

OP said non-black person, which is what I was responding to. It’s different for black people for obvious reasons.

>as long as there's racism
Ok so if we do what hitler tried to do by eliminating race, we could openly say it?

That makes it a double standard. Either everyone is allowed to use it or no one is allowed to.

>humans are assholes to humans for no good reason.
That's true greed is never a good reason, it was the reason for all wars though.


Kek, because you think so? Nah, it’s about respect and nothing more. If you can’t respect someone enough to not use a hurtful word than you don’t deserve to have any of your feelings cared about. It’s a vicious cycle of Dumbasses needing to feel superior to others. Racism is actually a mental illness.

Greed, power, money, pussy..

ITT: Racist pieces of shit.

I'm sure most non-blacls below the age of 40 knows that saying nigger is bad and looked down upon hence why most of them don't say it. Sooner or later the 41+ crowd will die off. If we want true racial equality then every race should be allowed to say nigga or absolutely no race, including black people, should be allowed to say nigga.

Either everyone does it or no one does it. That is true equality in this aspect. If you think I'm annoyed that as a white man I can't openly call my black friends nigga then you would be right. My black friends know I'm not racist... towards black people. Only Indians.

I mean it kind of is a double standard depending on how you look at it. Not all double standards are bad or unreasonable.

Do your schoolwork/go to bed, kid.