Whenever I skip a meal I get really shakey and feel like I'm going to pass out. Is this normal?

Whenever I skip a meal I get really shakey and feel like I'm going to pass out. Is this normal?
I'm going to see a doctor either tomorrow or Wednesday. Is it hypoglycemia or something?

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Jesus christ how fucking fat are you?

Not fat at all

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>I need to eat food everyday or else I will die
What a fucking fatass.

you probably just have low blood sugar. Same shit happens to me if i eat and then do something physically after right afterwards.

I probably weigh like 200 pounds or 0.4 Americans

>op requires sustenance to survive


drink coffee

It's probably low blood sugar user. I'm the same way when I fast.

more like
>I need to eat food every 4 hours or I slip into a coma

caffeine seems to have little effect

The most important thing to know is what do you eat usually.

For example, If it's contains too much sugar inside (like industrial pizza) it's normal to feel weak after a certain time (you body needs sugar again).

Without your meal habits, it's impossible to give you any possible answer.

eat something thats high in sugar. when it happens to me i eat a bag of chips and im usually fine after sitting down for a few minutes

It sounds like you’re a woman. I’m sorry to inform you, but you won’t make it. You shouldn’t have voted for biden.

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Typically I eat oatmeal, cereal or toast with peanut butter for breakfast, along with coffee and some kind of fruit

Lunch is often soup and sandwich or maybe fast food hamburger (no fries or drink because they're not worth the money)

Supper is usually some kind of meat (pork chicken beef) with rice or potatoes and carrots and onions

I really try to avoid processed sugars. If anything I'm not getting enough calories because I'm Canadian and food costs a fucking fortune.

>rent free

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A nutritionist will have to analyze a week of your food and propose you something to re-balance this.

Or move to another country where food is less expensive...

>Or move to another country where food is less expensive...
I'm open to suggestions. But if I'm having trouble affording food then why do you think I have the money to move to another country?

Yesterday I bought a bag of milk and a loaf of bread and it was almost $10. How the fuck is anyone supposed to afford anything

where tf do you live california?

>bag of milk

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