What hardware should I use if I don't want to suck CIA nigger cock?

What hardware should I use if I don't want to suck CIA nigger cock?

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get a Talos II, ARM is nearly as botnet as x86 is.

I'm sorry but I want to have a job

System76, at least they try to disable intel ME

you can't consume your way out of a character flaw
AmiShit is the definition of proprietary garbage
enjoy having 0days popped on your chink BMC
>at least they try

touch grass

barely, purism does it better. But they over charge

of course they do, it's just lifestyle fashion accessory shit for zoomers who think living their entire lives on other people's networks without suffering consequences is just a matter of consuming the right products

Only gigachads use Amiga.
If you're jobless, sorry bro.

I like having cpus clocked higher than 10 Mhz

furries aren't chads

Dell*blocks your path*

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What do you even need all these MHz for?
Just hand-optimize your assembly code.
(or get an accelboard if you're that weak)

It's not about what happens to your data in the network. it's about what in your computer, if there's built in spyware in it

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>you can't consume your way out of a character flaw

Then you have to suck off the retards at Langley

Don't use hardware, or at least don't use internet
You can start it now

RISC-V single board pcs but only if they have an open source CPU otherwise you can schizo all you want

Homemade-patent-stolen x86_64

Get to the electronica uni, ask em to print your own CPU design