Explain without racial insults, what does this mean?

Explain without racial insults, what does this mean?

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The larger one stole my bicycle.

People who like dark chocolate need more to realize how much dark chocolate sucks.

White chocolate costs more to manufacture so there's less of it for the same price

This. White chocolate is worth more to make.

White chocolate costs more to make.

White chocolate does cost more than dark chocolate as there's a couple more processes it has to go through

The dark chocolate is only 13% of the candy store yet it commits over 50% of the crime.

This is the reason

2 Possibilities

a. Shooped or staged to make it viral for pornography addicted boys and cucks relating it to Penis stereotypes as some sort of a joke.

b. For some reason white chocolate is more desirable by the consumer and/or more expensive to produce and they're trying to make the same margin of profit giving less.

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the black one is more filling, more satisfying, and lasts longer.

Are we even talking about candy bars anymore?

But it runs away when the woman is full.

But it robs gas stations for a single pack of 40oz

But it's locked away in prison all the time

But it steals your bike to pawn off for crack money

chocolate sucxks this thread suckscs

But it gets shot by other black candy bars

But it rapes other candy bars

But it can't hold a job or raise a family

But its factory runs out on it for a pack of cigarettes and a 40oz

but it's a penis that's bigger and better for fucking
and as a penis that's all that matters.

But it lives in shitty apartment building filled with other low scum candybars

I thought we were talking about candy bars. What does penises have to do with this?

Nigga, please!
Forty an’ a bunt,
S’all I want.

A healthy shit and a shit where you need to see a dr asap.

>brings up dicks in a candy thread
nigga you gay

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But it refuses to pay it's vending machine child support

But it avoids filling out job appilcations

But it doesn't get it's oil change after every three months

But it slaps it's baby candybar around until the candybar police arrive

>that's all that matters.
This is why we ridicule liberals. They're incessantly short sighted.

But it doesn't listen when the police pull over

The dark twix is so much less valuable than the white twix, gram for gram, that they include about 25% more of it at the same price.

But it spams other unwrapped dark candybars on a korean basket weaving forum

But it depends on money donated from the candybar tax to live

LoL you win at internets for today.

It takes 140% of a dark to the work of 1 white.


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Literal fake dick though. And also what made you post this? We just talking about candybars user

You dont need as much white chocolate because its far yummier than that dark shite and much more satisfying

Sigh. Cope, whitebois.

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Doesnt look fake at all