What do you see, Any Forums?

What do you see, Any Forums?

Attached: thinking-black-man.jpg (500x500, 67.44K)

I see Asians using their superior intellect to slaughter millions o stinky niggers

came to post this
t. white

>superior intellect

different user, but i'd love for you to explain how that's "cope"? i'm also white btw, so it isnt some ingroup bias for me

Asians just built a fusion reactor and niggers don't even know how to wipe their ass

Are the asians brining a dictionary to the fight or some shit? The asian will be answering trivia questions and get punched right in the face by a black fist, this is what I'm pointing out. I don't understand how everyone things asians would win

Look up and see all the roofs just ready to be fortified.

Attached: The Night of the Roof Koreans.png (742x1180, 265.16K)

You mist be a nigger.
Take fentanyl for instance. Stupid dumbfuck niggers who use street drugs are already dying in the thousands because of a stealth chemical weapons attack by superior bugmen

wars aren't won by brute force alone, but intellect used to create technology, intelligence reports, and strategy, you don't seem to understand this, hence niggers are still living in shitholes and lose every war
niggers really aren't human, more like dogs who can only understand things through direct physical experience, no intellect, intuition, and low self-awareness
a nigger is like a dog who can only understand running in front of a car is dangerous only after being hit by a car at least (sometimes more than) once, while other races are better at extrapolating from a situation what creates that danger
tldr kys stupid monkeybrained nigger


>What do you see, Any Forums?

Asians don't have strength, and they don't seem to have intellect either. Nothing would stop blacks from winning

enjoy getting nuked while you dumbass niggers protest the death of every stupid nigger like George of the Fentanyl Jungle Floyd

Keep smoking that fent, Tyrone

>brute strength good
>im caveman
is this seriously the best bait you've got? your larp is obvious, we can all see you think niggers are like cavemen or monkeys

Keep up the delusion. If you can't see how badly asians would lose to blacks, then you need to get your eyes checked

Asians have nuclear weapons, niggers have stinky diseased penises

None of you can address the fact that in hand-to-hand combat blacks win against asians almost every time, like 9 out of 10 times. Even with their kung-fu shit.

Any black male off the street could physically retrain the asian from pushing the nuclear launch button. That's what I'm pointing out

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Too bad wars aren't entirely hand to hand

>"Hand to hand combat"
>Asian brings a gun
>Realizes turning it sideways is fucking retarded

>physically retrain the asian

From half a world away?

I say nigger and when they spurge out the chinks come flank them from behind and shoot them up. When the nigger back up comes the zipperheads already made bamboo traps with shit covered sharp bamboo shoots that the backup fall into because they run blindly into fights. Two dead battalions and the rest retreat because niggers are cowards and they cry about asians being to racist in warfare

because it's irrelevant, you ignorant, monkeybrained nigger
modern wars don't revolve around hand to hand combat, even past ones that did, still required ranking and strategy, you are the one only focusing on some mostly irrelevant concept to cope with knowing you're inferior and would maybe win a battle (hand to hand), but lose the war
kill yourself, nigger.

Nothing stops black militias from getting close enough to asians for hand-to-hand combat. Once that happens, blacks win. Every day. You're retarded for denying it.

>doesn't have any concept of chemical warfare, thinks all combat is people punching each other in the streets

Yeah im really fearing this unarmed coked up monkey over well trained asian militants LMAO

Attached: 49A15707-4E1D-41D7-9B63-27C79A15384E.jpg (512x379, 21.62K)

>Black militias form
>"Blood fo' life dawg! Finna smoke dees ching chongs!"
>Oh heeeelll naw! Crips representin' in dis race war!"
>immediate infighting in black militia with massive casualties
>Asians re-colonize Africa (this is happening irl)

China is colonizing Africa and breeding the niggies out of existence. Why aren't Africans fighting back? Because they don't even realize what's happening

nothing because they are all friendly and nice people




the loudest hooping and hollering from the niggers followed by chinese zerg rush.
chinese start strong but everything they have tofu-dreg equipment made by the lowest bidder so it starts to fall apart and fail mid fight killing far more than niggers could ever hope to.
both sides will claim victory

How many asians do you want to bet he took out. My guess is 5, per day


I see a disturbingly blatant astroturfing campaign that's popped up in the last week, and while I can easily see that it's designed to rile up one or the other race, I can't tell who's being targeted, or if it's a general D&C attack.
Either way, fuck niggers, I got your back, my ching chong qingqong HYAAAA motherfuckers.

I'm writing my doctoral thesis for Black Studies with a minor in Niggerology.
protip: Niggers are too lazy to fight the Asians. They be staying in their cribs smoking crack n collecting the White Man's welfare money.

>Charging your unit of Khang Berserkers directly into a D'ao gun line
Get overwatched faggot

Zero. He only killed other niggers. Niggers are experts of doing that

You want to talk about lazy. Go watch a video of an elder asian getting robbed. They don't lift a finger. For blacks, defeating asians is like taking candy from a baby