If you cold send a message back in time to 13 year old you, what would it say ?

if you cold send a message back in time to 13 year old you, what would it say ?

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stop eating all this shit you little cocksucker!
stop complaining and man up!
most important of all, stop being such a fucking pussy and fuck all the cnts you can get your dick in!

Do it

Work out, fag

don't peel off your toe nails and don't use that manicure plier to mutilate them

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Start drinking prune juice you fuck

Listen here Bozo, Some random guy on XBOX is going to offer to help you get started mining bitcoins in 2010.
Yeah, he's going to seem like a complete psycho to you.
Do it even though this guy comes across like a total nutjob.

Holy fuck, I did the exact same thing.


don't drink coke
don't fap like a monkey

i'm glad i'm not the only one :')


Get out of the house as soon as you can, life is so much better without your family.

nothing, 13 year old me was a dumb punk and wouldn't listen. You couldn't have told me shit.

maybe this.

Don't give money too women... ever

>if you cold send a message back in time to 13 year old you, what would it say ?

"Just give up right now. Every time you are going to get ahead, you will have everything taken from you. So there is really no point in trying. Don't waste your time."

You'd be better off being single your whole life than dating a fat chick. They're selfish, greedy fucks that take, and take, and take without ever giving anything back.

Also, fuck what your family says. Start lifting now, you will get fucking laid, feel great, and gain a ton of confidence.

>don't give even a half of a fuck about women,they are not worth your time and effort

Buy bitcoin, don't do long distance, try a cock

make the appointment to suck her clit

Fuck everything that moves

hold on, you can leave all these people soon

Whatever I'd tell myself I probably wouldn't have listened. If I had listen to the advice people gave me I wouldn't be in the spot im in rn. I'd rather just possess 13 year old me.

Nothing, i like my life as it is!

be gay