Nearly every movie he's made since Johnny Mnemonic has contained no legitimate content beyond pro-gun propaganda.

They're posing gifs of "Keanu Being Awesome": destroying it at target practice, getting missed in rehearsal by a thousand invisible CGI bullets before turning a corner and slipping hahaso funny look he almost hurt himself, pumping up to get in shape for John Wick 3. All man's man. And then there's a school shooting, or a mosque shooting, or a gay nightclub shooting. Suddenly, those posts are gone, and Keanu is eating a sad sammich in the park or doing yoga on the beach in Malibu or giving up his seat on a train: you know, ordinary things with no real content and which we all do, but isn't it cool bc Keanu. And then we forget about the school shooting, or the mosque shooting, or the gay nightclub shooting. And once we do, we're back to looking at Keanu's NRA agitprop.

(I suppose it's a good thing for him, really, because -let's face it- Keanu Reeves is no thespian. We've seen Dangerous Liaisons and Point Break and Dracula -I mean, Generation Umm? Come the fuck on, what was that?- and he unquestionably does best in roles where there's zero dialogue and one emotion ("determined") and lots of cinematography focused on his physicality, like Matrix or Wick.)

There is NRA money built directly into his contract, of course. That he is even offered his contracts is strictly dependent upon his knowing willingness to represent this position, this cause, this latent terrorism. And it's why his checks have so many zeros and commas and why they come so frequently. So to assume that Keanu is making his wealth on his acting is both ignorant and absurd. Of course the NRA offers big money for his making these films and of course he accepts it. We know the powerful ruling elite have billions (if not trillions) in 'free float' money. We've seen the Panama Papers and the Paradise

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Papers and we're well aware of the well-documented hiding of tax-free, unaccounted for, unaccountable money. This is documented and not in question. We're also very aware that the NRA pays -flat out pays green fully-accounted for, fully-accountable US cash dollars money- for promoting their pro-violence agenda. This is documented and not in question. There are no laws against the NRA paying off a Hollywood powerhouse (or a pack of them) to enact their wants in the way there are rules in place against bribing politicians to do their bidding. (I mean, political bribery still happens, but it's not supposed to.) And there are certainly no laws preventing Keanu from accepting bank transfers from the GOA in an account in Aruba. Or Gastaad. Or Moscow. To assert that Keanu is in some way inoculated against this financial-violence-mongering rather than being an active participant is to ostrich one's head in the sand. And determining how much he's earned per bullet becomes difficult, but I'm guessing it's a pretty fucking lot.

Saying "Hollywood Promotes Gun Culture" is one thing, and it's presented in that way by the media intentionally...so "Hollywood" has no face. No individual is to blame and the root cause of the problem remains amorphous, able to continue, feeding the violence in our society unabated. If we want "Hollywood" to change we need to find a face. The powerful ruling elite will never assign that role to anybody. We need to assign it, and we need to assign it to Keanu because he asked for it. Keanu Reeves is the new Charlton Heston: you just can't see it yet. Bc isn't it cool bc Keanu

Watch yourselves at the ticket booth: there's a Keanu on the loose. Fuck Keanu Reeves and fuck Keanu Reeves' NRA bank account, filled with the faces of the dead.

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Im not reading all of this but I think „silence faggot“ is a good answer

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shut up you gay

didn't read, but im happy for you, or sry it happened.
> autistic kid ranting about keanu reeves

guns are awesome

reading is hard

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u got triggerred

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>mad about pro gun propaganda

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Wow, he's even more based than I thought

Kys Keanu Reeves is a saint!

Guns are good. How else can stop the niggers from raping your family?

Checks out

Based, I just can't stop liking this guy.


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I used to like Keanu but Reddit’s obsession with him has soured my view. He needs to say nigger in public or grope an actress or something, perfect people who never do anything wrong are boring and lame.

You know how I know you're a troll and don't really care... You posted it here. No one believes anything they post here, and if they actually do, then they don't have to balls to share these thoughts among people who give a fuck. If you genuinely believe all that, you're a forever alone virgin conspiratard trying to tear down one of the coolest dudes on earth and you're just some faggot on Any Forums. Deal with that.

This. Reeves is based af and the establishment shits on anyone not towing their bs line.

The fact that the establishment hasn’t shit on Reeves is kind of proof that he isn’t based, he’s quiet and stays in his lane like a good little girl so the Hollywood kikes love him.

OP reeketh of coth.

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