Y'all ready for WWIII?

Y'all ready for WWIII?

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I’m looking forward to seeing all the fat fuck murican incels getting called up in the draft kekkek

You know China's gonna win right?

I look forward to our slanty eyed overlords

China masterrace


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it's nothing

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Mayyyybeeeeee you ll think of meeeeeee when youre all alooooone

A big bowl of nothing burger


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I'm learning Mandarin as we speak.

kek imagine all the maga fucks actually having to fight kekkek

Y'all are fucked

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rather a flattering depiction of winnie there.

Every communist state or regime has been unable to inflict or influence anything outside it's border.

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>what is tiktok

>what is biological virus

>what is your mom


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You could say the same about the U.S and all of it's lost wars of the modern era

America can't even influence shit within it's own borders let alone out
We are witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire Mark II
Strap in nigger
And get ready for conscription

let’s just hope the USA doesn’t have to fight untrained rice farmers again!!

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Yeah. Hoping for nukes but doubt anything will end up happening

Kek holy fuck the American military is shit