When we die, what happens if the same life just repeats over and over in an infinite loop

When we die, what happens if the same life just repeats over and over in an infinite loop

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eh you'd never know so it's not all bad
though i guess if the same life does just repeat over and over for you you can have this thought tumble around in your mind again and again

so user, how many lifetimes have you posted this thread in?

>so user, how many lifetimes have you posted this thread in?
potentially infinitely. you wouldnt have any way of knowing, and because of determinism it would occur exactly the same way for an infinite amount of times.
Can it be we're trapped here for eternity

i see your point.

If this is true is there at least some sort of rest area. So you die, then you have to wait another thousand years or however long it takes humans to go extinct, then the world restarts but you still have to wait a few hundred thousand years for your turn to respawn.

Or is it just as soon as you die the light at the end of the tunnel is the light to the room you were born in, full immediate reset.

Lets make our own afterlife

If you're asking the question then it's a moot point because you don't remember it, which means it'll all be fresh to you as if it's done for the first time.
My question is: what evidence do you have to suggest that life does repeat over and over as opposed to the plethora of other possibilities such as death, reincarnation, some kind of afterlife, being doomed to walk the limbo between death and the afterlife as a ghost, you see the "game over screen" and it turns out you've been playing a immersive VR game for a while, or over time this reality disintegrates and you realize that the dichotomy of life-death never actually existed and the meta-reality around you is even weirder than you anticipated? Why is your theory more likley than the hundreds of others?

>My question is: what evidence do you have to suggest that life does repeat over and over as opposed to the plethora of other possibilities such as death, reincarnation, some kind of afterlife, being doomed to walk the limbo between death and the afterlife as a ghost, you see the "game over screen" and it turns out you've been playing a immersive VR game for a while, or over time this reality disintegrates and you realize that the dichotomy of life-death never actually existed and the meta-reality around you is even weirder than you anticipated? Why is your theory more likley than the hundreds of others?

Well, i first imagined this scenario by tracing back the theory of determinism (no free will) to the supposed "origin" of the universe, the big bang. if we are assumed the universe just magically popped into existence 13 billion years ago (a very short time compared to what the trillions of years the universe is meant to last), it is infinitely more likely that the universe has always existed, rather than randomly appearing.
Such an event like the big bang will have to be preceded by something, and applying the theory of determinism that something will always play out exactly the same way, there is a possibility that that "something" repeats.

basically if the universe was a one time thing, there's a lot less chance that we'd be experiencing it at this moment, than if it was to happen all the time

sorry if that's incoherent rambling lmao i hope it made some sense

You're already dead


That doesn't answer my question which is why your theory is more likley than any of the hundreds of others of theories about what happens when we 'die', and secondly what you're describing is not "you" or "I" experiencing the same life again, but rather a material duplicate experiencing it again since all the atoms that make us get mushed together in the big crunch and then new atoms and divided out of it that eventually become the next generation of the universe.
>and applying the theory of determinism that something will always play out exactly the same way, there is a possibility that that "something" repeats.
Except if that were true then since the bigbang we'd see a fractal repeat of identical events, which we don't - the universe is strongly ergodicity breaking above the atomic level. Which basically means tiny changes can have non-linear effects.
Simply put: there is no reason to believe that the universe was preceded by an identical universe and is a total repeat. Simply because, if it was, you couldn't observe it, and not only that, even if you look at relativity so yes - right now the universe isn't having it's own identical mini-cycles but eventually all the atoms will sort of hit a Normative Distribution and crunch together at the same time... the simple fact is the universe isn't repeating itself, so why is this theory any more plausible or likley than any other theory you can come up with?
It's not. You don't have any evidence for it. In fact by definition you never will since you can't see a previous repeat of the universe.
TL;DR - Dude you're just making shit up, relax

>same life just repeats
Nothing's stopping you from that mass shooting like you've always wanted to now.

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I personally would have posted some RUSH faggot. This is pretty sweet though

>Nietzsche was right
We are doomed as a species

Indians did this? Lovely

When we die, we will stand before the Lord and savior, Yahweh. God will then judge us based on qualifications beyond our understanding to determine if we are a good fit for heaven. If not we will face eternal torment and punishment for being a shitty creation. If we do make it to heaven, we will get the privilege of endlessly worshiping and praising God for the rest of eternity. God created this master plan to ensure that he is lord of all creation. Duh, it's obvious OP, don't be so dense.

that would be annoying

Fucking stinky street shiters

I’ve heard anons on here talk about how Mandela effects are caused by mass casualty events from other dimensions, where the souls of all of the dead are bumped down one dimension, so some small detail is different to them, like how some people remember berenstein instead of berenstain, because in their world, it always was berenstein. So, when you die, you just leave off where you where one dimension down.

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nah......when you die, you get to be with your higher power. if you never had a higher power, you simply cease to exist.

that's gay as fuck. look, things are changing. you need to recognize it. we lived in a dark age before 2010 or so. while information was available, the true information age hadn't begun. now, there is no excuse for not knowing something but people are still behind. the mandela effect only applies to a small bunch of stupid culture that only 30% of people even remember anyway, so if half of them misremember it, what does it matter?

i'm going to invent my own higher power