Attention. This board is being monitored

Attention. This board is being monitored.

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Well good luck with that, not everyone here falls under American jurisdiction, you faggot.

I shit on your kids before butchering them.

user THHAAATS JUST CRAAAZY talk. now come with the nice men in the nice suits and follow me to my office. we need to ask you some questions.~

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Fun fact the FBI can't do anything about a post. They need actionable intel a post ain't it.

hey you! by your post i think you're pretty neat!

so what? you want a dick pic, faggot?

I'm sure they're just as sick of the nigger spam as we are then.

Who cares?

Lol you 'mirin bruh?

Ever heard of Interpol, junior?

Nobody cares fed

Look inside all you want kinky sir.

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I wholeheartedly don't regret one single thing I've said. Eat shit you alphabet soup glowied

Attention. This monitor is being bored.

by the fag treads like this one.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

Anyways, does anyone know where to find some enriched uranium?

Good, take it all down

If it took you until today to realize that this board is all state-sponsored propaganda and honeypots now, there's no just hope for you

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Yeah, since like 2010 slowpoke

Mods don't do shit so it's good someone is.

hahaha that shit doesn't have a reach like in 90% of the world. Cyber-police is even better than Interpol.