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Antivaxxers don't care. Literally no amount of evidence will ever convince them of anything. They're all functionally retarded.




This. I say stop warning them, and instead suggest in a subtle way that they're smart for avoiding it. Play to their ego and pride. The more of them that bit it the better.

Looks like a legitimate domain there, must be scientific as shit.

99% survival rate. Rage harder, simpletons.

Yet both of them are still alive, negating the impact.
This is why your parents won't support your art career.

Caught covid. The only symptom I had was a bad headache for 3 days and I tested Negative on day 5.

I'm unvaxxed btw. Also just to let you know in the UK only 11k people died solely because of covid. Everyone else had underlying conditions.

Yeah, a vaccine is exactly like a suit of armor. Great analogy. No wonder people won't believe a word about the use of vaccines when all you give is that garbage.

So? you still deserve to be strung up if you think it should be enforced.

>Everyone else had underlying conditions.
>Not knowing what co-morbidity means.

Sometimes I envy dumb people because they're literally too stupid to worry about things they should.

I'm just gonna post this and watch you vaxtard go full cognitive dissonance.

I'm vaxxed and I hate it. I only got it in order to keep my VERY well paying job. Not only is my religion against most forms of drugs/chemicals being introduced into the body but Pfizer ALTERS the RNA. Second, Project Veritas exposed emails detailing how the Pfizer people were concealing the fact they tested on fetal tissue, I'm EXTREMELY against abortion and anything supportive of it. I'm hoping to find a way to sue for that.

There's my two cents of unwanted opinion. But this is Any Forums, go fuck yourself with a vaccine. When you get tired of compliance, go watch Project Veritas and Tim Pool. Liberty and Truth are what this nation was founded upon and your silent obedience consent is what is taking it all away. Don't make America into China.

Pneumonia from the flu probably would have killed those same folks, don't be jaded.

Please tell me why yound fit and healthy people should take the jab?

Are they the ones clogging the hospitals?

Evaluate the information for yourself. Don't let talking points do your thinking for you.

Then maybe people with comorbidities should assess their risk and all you big pharma dicksuckers can leave us the fuck alone.

Dont forget the stem cells from dead babies used in your vax.

Trump tried to help you until you voted for the blue team

You have no RNA you dense retard, how can the vaccine alter it?

>Please tell me why yound fit and healthy people should take the jab?

To make more money for these corporations these collaborators worship.

>0 results

cool story Any Forumsto

Crazy how just a couple years ago it seemed like 99% of people were in agreement that anti vaxxers were some of the biggest dumbasses on the planet

Yea, its not like people are in the IC with permanent lung issues or anything.

Yeah except it's not really a vaccine and OP is a sissy faggoy whose getting pounded hard by his father in a basement

LOL wut? No RNA? You have no brain

Get Boosted retard.

And lick my butt hole.

Sauce pls

>Project Veritas

Thanks for saving me time not reading further after this obvious red flag of faggotry.

Lol the UK only about 50 people live there and they all have birth defex

I still don't want it

Lol, you sound too ignorant to have a "VERY well paying job". There's my two cents of unwanted opinion

>I can't read
>I have 0 reading comprehension
It's not about Vaccines you dumb mutt. It's about people dying solely from covid with 0 underlying conditions.

No wonder you vaxtards are retarded. You can't even spend the time to understand medical data for your own good. You're just a fucking sheep.

>implying the vaccine keeps you from getting sick at all

'anti vaxxer' is now just establishment speak for people justifiably skeptical of a barely necessary rushed vaccine. Anybody who uses the word is a useful idiot, most 'anti-vaxxers' took lots of vaccines before, if they were necessary and developed properly.

*Massively retarded.

seethe, mudblood

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I know it's about people under 60 dying with no underlying conditions.

All I can figure is you think vaccines have something to do with that, which is unsupported by the data because the data doesn't even mention vaccines.

Gosh it's almost like one of the reasons young healthy people get vaxed isn't just to protect themselves (we all know it's a low risk thing) but to lower the risk of spreading the virus to old people who will likely die from the rona.

I'm not gonna tell you get it, I don't want to force you to, and I don't even think you're a bad person for not getting it. But at least understand why some of us chose to do so.

I have an immune system. It protects me from covid and the potential negative affects of the jab. I'm not worried about either, but I am worried about putting my old mother and father at risk.

Nah it's all the same arguments. Those people back in 2016 said the same exact things. Risks outweighed the benefits, vaxxes were unnecessary, too little data on long term effects. But we all knew they were retards

We have vax for these to fortunately.

Why is it that that vaccine doesn't work like a polio or smallpox vaccine?

>lower the risk of spreading the virus
Explain 100k omnicron cases a day and reinfections on a nation with 90% of its adults are vaxxed.

>my vax only works when you take it
kek what a useless vax. Get BOOOOOOSSSTTTEDDD and shut the fuck up nigger.

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Both of these don't work 100% of the time.

IS that why they're extinct in the US before they started letting the third world in?

Coronavirus vaccines have been studied and developed since the virus type was first identified in 2003. The vaccines have plenty of research to back them up. The "more research" people need to stop listening to Food Babe or whoever is feeding them lies.

Also, that's only 77%. How did the other 23% respond?

Finally, I guess it's cool to cite CNN now if they vaguely support your claims.

>Project Veritas
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. It cannot be trusted.

Omnicron is a mutation of covid. Same thing happens with the flu every year and no one questions that

I dont need you vaxxed for my Vax to work. I need you vaxxed to slow down the mutations mentioned above

I decided in 2020 i'd refuse any vaccine that took less than 5-10 years. Guess having a biology degree makes me an anti vaxxer now.

Negligible numbers of people under 65 are dying. And of those under 65 I bet 99% are 55-65.

kys you dumb fuck. There is absolutely no reason why healthy people with no underlying conditions should take the jab. Only fat lards and oldfags should have take that shit.

They're the ones filling up the hospitals.

Ya, cuz investigative journalism is dead, it has been supplanted by "fact checkers" and "trust the experts". No corruption here.

Here's a though: some of us want to watch the world burn.
At first I wasn't getting the vaccine because I was waiting to see the adverse effects.
Then I was waiting for them to bang it all out.
Roughly two years later they still can't create a 100% effective vaccine. So currently a vaccine or mask is only protecting yourself.

I wear a mask, that's enough. And if covid got on my clothes or something the vaccine won't do shit to protect others.
I've witnessed elders get their boosters, then still get sick.
So yeah, fuck it.


Why? Why would improvements in the production of medicine be a bad thing?

Lol, any proof that it has lied to us?

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Name one, just one thing they have reported that had to be retracted.
Go on, i'll wait.

Any "investigative journalism" they did would be tainted by their inherent bias.

>Omnicron is a mutation of covid
And? It's still covid. It's a Covid variant that come from the original strains. Viruses and bacteria mutate, it's not new info. The great and holy scientists should have known about that.

What nation? Because the us is only about 60% Less interesting than daily cases is cases per capita

Name one, just one thing they have reported that had to be retracted.
Go on, i'll wait.

Except this isn't at all an accurate comparison. The "armored" guy would yet at lot more arrows.

Yeah it's still covid but it mutated enough that the original vaccine doesn't work well on it anymore. How is that confusing?

Those 65+ people are your parents, your grandparents, other people's parents and grandparents. Do you not care if they all die? What a fucking sociopath

Bias is inescapable, its called being human.
I would be more suspicious of someone that claims they aren't biased, cuz i know for sure they are lying then.

The big difference is just how many mutations manifested in that single strain. There were more than 30 mutations identified between Omicron and the original zero strain.