I just want a weird, smart chick who can talk about anything. Why is that so much to ask?

I just want a weird, smart chick who can talk about anything. Why is that so much to ask?

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because you're 5'4 with a 4 inch dick and ugly as fuck

I'm 6'4" with a 5.5 inch dick and I'd look alright if I lost the weight

Cake farts nice. I see you too are a man of culture.

The uglier a girl the smarter she is.
But be aware ugly =/= fat you don't want a chick that's fat and ugly because they're almost always dumb af too

it's too much to ask because women have literal bird-brains. once you understand that they aren't interesting and they should only be for sexual pleasure and procreation then you'll understand how stupid you are thinking women were supposed to be some kind of talking buddy.

they are birdbrains.

I got mine and she’s great. We talk about metaphysics, politics, feelings etc
Met her on tinder and in retrospect, she liked me because even though I was a sexist fuckboy (I was messing with a few women) I was honestly trying to redeem myself and she was smart enough to show me that sense of forgiveness and karmic debt.

>I'd look alright if I lost the weight
Then stop complaining on the internet and lose it, faggot.

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I had one, I met her on /soc/ years ago. She wasn't ugly, just fat. She could talk about literally anything and I ruined it over nothing because I'm a goddamned retard

Probably couldn’t put up with her being fat. I met a girl on soc too and I had the same problem with her. I didn’t really care about talking that much I was just happy to have a slampig for a sec. Poor girl I’m sure I hurt her.

I hurt her when we first talked. I broke her heart because she was completely obsessed with me and I totally fucking regret it. She went off and got married, I went off and had a pile of kids and we reconnected a few months ago. We fell right back into our old rhythm but I had to go full retard and wreck it

I think she may circle back around. People don’t let go for a long time. Just be present next time. It’s nice catching the girl that wants you like that.

Nah, I said some disgustingly hateful shit when she told me she was having dinner with the husband that she was supposed to be divorcing

God if I could just go back two months

Idk man, women can forgive some foul stuff! Maybe it’s better if she doesn’t have to though :/

That would've been ideal. I really, really wish I could take it back. I was just hurt AF when she had like a three hour dinner with hubby

lol keep it together next time! She was trying to sneak away from hubby for you.

Nah, it gets worse. Ever since then I've gotten like stalkerish because I just miss her so much and she won't talk to me. Spoofing phone numbers, 30+ emails in two weeks

I'm seriously just like losing my shit over this chick

Oh my! Well you have to know that all that behavior will just push her away. Put your attention to something or someone else for a bit. Maybe maybe maybe she’ll miss your attention.

I know, I just couldn't help it because I was worried that she was going to backslide to her husband

Any time an user starts complaining about no gf just ask if they’re fat. If yes, the conversation is over. If you’re fat and not filthy rich, you’re going to constantly be scraping the barrel at best. And that’s how it should be, because fatties deserve to be alone until they unfuck themselves.