I'm currently in the lowest point I've been in my 23 years of life...

I'm currently in the lowest point I've been in my 23 years of life. I fapped to a fag on videochat and showed my face due to the horniness. I cant comprehend how I can be this fucking stupid but now im afraid the video could show up anywhere.
I've been watching porn since i was 12 and recently got into traps and all that shit...i fucking hate this addiction. This has been my awakening i hope you all find yours

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>afraid the video could show up anywhere
This is irrational

Stop watching it and go outside find a hobby.

i am extremely attractive and have an 8 inch cock, it can be one of those stupid bot videos that people use on omegle...still cant believe i exposed myself to that, internet is forever and ive always been safe.

You are still young it's good that someone your age can come to a conclusion like that instead of thinking "Ack, it will all be okay it won't happen to me" mentality.

Lol yeah maybe it is on the internet forever user or maybe you are a repressed homosexual narcissist who won't learn anything from this.

lol your gay faggot face and cock are going to be all over the internet

plz dont say that user, im in extreme panic right now

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>now im afraid the video could show up anywhere.
HAhahahahaahahaha. You're fucked OP. How could you be that stupid?

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Bro, literally no one will see it, The chances of it A) Being posted, B) Anyone watching it and C) anyone you know watching it is so stupidly slim its ridiculous.

Be glad you didnt have a dildo up our ass or wore written on our ass or something stupid. Honestly its so plain, no one is going to care, and those that do watch it are obviously gay anyway and probably just want some dick.

Your fine user, relax. Trust me, its alright.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes faggot. Show your face when you neck yourself since your life is over and you need to kill yourself. People are going to see your face and what you did, but they will all be too polite to say anything to your face. But behind your back everyone will know, and everyone will talk about what a subhuman piece of perverted filth you are.

Until he threatens to dox OP and hold it for ransom. Many such cases.

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Provided that he knows OP, but like, even then. Just own up to it man, being bi is nothing to be scared of lol. Woman find it hot a gu who isnt nervous, not that theyre "masculine".

Think the red viper from GoT:

"Then everyone is missing half the world’s pleasure. The gods made [women]… and it delights me. The gods made [men]… and it delights me. When it comes to war, I fight for Dorne. When it comes to love — I don’t choose sides."

Why not enjoy the gifts of god, with no prejudice or our own ego getting in the way?

In the end, no one gives a fuck, the all care too much about themselves. The only person you are hurting with this is yourself.

actually good points thank you user
thank you user, i know my porn addiction went to a very bad point. there is a proven massive relation with porn and homosexuality, in my case to traps and that shit. Ill fix it for you, youll see
i thought about it but theres no way he can find an email or anything close to that from me...never said name or location or anything

I care, its not normal that everytime I get post nut clarity from fapping to that I get extrmely ashamed and depressed. Its not natural and i dont care what others think, I care about myself doing that stuff while at the same time wanting to be a father....how can you be a husband and a father while being attracted to men?

Get a load of this faggot. OP's fucked bro. Could be tomorrow or ten years from now.

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There isnt a fix man, stop trying to fight it, fighting it will only make it come back worse.

Thats not to say you cant get away from it, but realise that this is a part of you, and make choices accordingly.

It will be much easier to make the "right" decision once you are actually conscious of your thought proccess rather than figting it until you get horny enough to do this again.

I had a similar but worse problem, I have a gf, and used to go to public glory holes behind her back. I hated it, I hated myself for it and felt like shit, but i couldnt stop. In the end, I had to tell her about myself. Luckily for me, she accepted me, and now I dont have to do that anymore, if I have urges, I can tell her how im feeling and we can fufill them. Either through pegging, or other means. Honestly, our sex life and my personal life has gotten so much better now. It is a huge weight off of my shoulders and I found out that it was the "taboo-ness" of it that made me do it in the first place, and fighting it only made that worse.

yep once youre sucking cock youre in too deep man, there is however a fix for me and I know its to stop watching porn. Im not even attracted to guys just really passable traps. Youre very wrong on this, i dont feel urges to fuck men or suck cock like you do

Who says you cant? A father is someone who is there for their child. Someone who stands their ground and protects what they believe in and care about. A Father is a good role model, is someone who you would want your child to be.

DOnt be afraid of yourself. MAn up, face reality and rather than hiding from yourself, tell the world who you ARE. IF they dont like it, fuck them! Who gives a fuck? Its not their life, and in the end if you end up on your death bed, you'll realise how silly you were to care about their opinions, its just like caring about what those mean kids said to you in kindergarten, at the time it seems to mean everything, in reality it means NOTHING!

You are YOU! Fuck labels, fuck gay, straight, bi, whatever, fuck who YOU want to fuck, who else gives a shit?

Teach your child that their happiness matters, and that they should look after themselves, rather than being scared because of what the other kids would think.

Nothing will happen, bro. Download/Pirate some video games and have fun.

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Just wait for the nasty breakup. You're fucked like OP too. You fags are so gullible.

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Yeah, I know what you mean, but if you keep fighting it, you will get there. Fighting it stops you from thinking about it rationally until it is far too late.

Realise your thoughts, and make conscious decisions that make you happy.

Eh, I dont think so, we've had our fights, but at this point we're stable. She knows everything, as do I. At the end of the day, we are all going to die man, If this ends in a nasty breakup, so be it. I make the decisions that are the best for me, and if I get 10 years of happiness followed by a shitty breakup, then isnt that worth more than never even trying?

>10 years of happiness
And then the rest of your life with everyone knowing you suck random dicks at a glory hole. God you fuckers are retarded to the max. In denial trying to make Any Forums tell you it's ok. hahahahahaahahahahahah

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