I'm ending myself in 48 hours AMA

I'm ending myself in 48 hours AMA

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What method, and why not now?

Post pic of cock if you have nothing to lose

Paracetamol poisoning. Hotel room isn't available for 24 hours.

Maybe later. Not horny at the moment

Nothing to look forward to?

Nah. Life is pretty boring. Right now I'm watching Terminator 2 to pass the time.

What if you survive the paracetamol and fuck up your liver and shit

Ah well. Being a vegetable might be interesting for a while.

Why do you need a hotel room?

Paracetamol overdose is painful as fuck and is not effective, user. Why are you doing this? Don't you want to talk it out a little bit at least...?

Do a live stream, fgt!
Also, post dick pic.

Then he succeeded anyways. He'd be dead that year at least, probably

maybe OP already has and they're at the complete end of the line and exhausted every possible means of improving. if that's not the case, then they shouldn't do it. yet.

I'd rather not do it at my girlfriend's place. Plus I have more than enough money to blow.

Talk about the weather?

I don’t get why people want to off themselves. If you’re at that point what’s stopping you from living how you want?

Go skydiving, make friends with strangers, go on random strangers, do coke and bang hookers. Who cares

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why not do it at her place but use the money to buy her a nice gift or a cake?

Maybe lol

Pretty much this.

Don't want to traumatise her with a dead body. I'm only spending $400 on the hotel. Pretty minuscule to my savings.

Don't do it. I know it sounds trite, but try some qigong. Pray. Do yoga. Love yourself. The universe wants you around.

I understood what OP's going through because I deal with the same symptoms. I have MDD and BPD (depression and borderline) and I've always been on the verge of suicide. But...

user, please. You're not going to end your pain with this method. It might sound cruel but- You'll literally end up alive. With liver intoxication, more body pains than ever. And you mentioned that you have a girlfriend.

Just– hold on. Tell me what's going on, man. Why do you want to kill yourself?

I don't think it's the dead body which will traumatize her, but the pain of knowing that someone she loves more than anything in this world literally tortures himself in an attempt of escaping from everything that pains him.

Dude, I swear I get you. I want to die, always, I feel like shit. I feel that my body is shit, I feel like no matter how hard I try my brain will keep finding ways to make me feel like the worst being on the planet. But suicide is very risky and you won't succeed with this method. BELIEVE ME. I TRIED OVERDOSING, AND IT'S –NOT– FUN.

Just imagine how your partner would feel if her favorite person in the world died in a horrible way. Please. user. Let's talk it out.