How can I lose weight quickly?

How can I lose weight quickly?

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Keto. Or adderall

Chop off a leg

Aids or tapeworm

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Eat less. That's literally all you have to do. Be in a caloric deficit for the day. Exercising helps, but it has limited potential for weight loss.



Don't do Adderall you can permanently fuck up your mind.
Assuming OP is a teenager with high metabolism. Fasting is much better. Eat *nothing* for a few days and get electrolytes. You will shed pounds like nobody's business.

>and get electrolytes
What's that?

Spending hours a day sucking dick has been known to help. High protein diet.

Fasting drops pounds, but also puts your body in famine mode so when you start eating again it will absorb and keep more calories from it.

The head is a better choice for OP.

you can't fatboi
that's the joke

Tapeworms can contract AIDS?

ok what happened to Any Forums?
even 6 months ago most of this thread would be on my side


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I want to drop around 100

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I'm not assuming anything. The caloric balance is a scientific fact, in every human. Even if you're completely sedentary, your body has a "basal metabolic rate" which is 1500-1800 calories just to keep everything running. Eat less than that and you will lose weight.

Oh, sorry, can't help you then as PETA would ruin my life for harming endangered marine lifeforms.

stale pasta

You can lose 100 pounds over months of dieting.
You can also lose 100 pounds in an hour by playing poker in England.

first off TITS OR GTFO

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if you like hot sauce, try eating salads and putting some hot sauce on it instead of regular dressing

Stop all beer and soda. Walk/run for an hour every day. You can start with just walking but try to run a little bit each time and each day try to increase the amount of time running.

Heh good one. /b slips in a dad joke

imagine thinking OP is the girl in the pic

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It's not pasta you fucking tranny I've been on the Any Forums website a lot longer than you

hey they lead off with a chick, now they must post their tits don't care if they're hairy man tits they must post tits

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