Be me

>be me
>depressed, suicidal, apathetic
>move to germany to work
>work is easy, pays well, no big responsibilities (= low stress)
>shit is cheap
>people are genuinely nice
>start feeling better, get off meds
>mfw I wasn't actually depressed
>I was just born in p*land

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Geh nach hause polacke
Und gib ins preussen wieder wenn du schon dabei bist

What's the job?

Literally the only thread in the first page that isn't porn, jfc

Also, good for you, user. I was born in a shithole too and wish I could get away from it somehow.

stop posting on Any Forums and start cleaning the toilet

I work in construction, more precisely I build ducts for air conditioning and ventilation in general.

Deutschland ist jetzt meine Hause, und leider bin ich nicht befugt;
Gebietsänderungen vorzunehmen. Mund schliessen wann hast du niemand zu sagen... bitte

Nice LARP.

Might as well do that, there's work to be done thru the weekend as well. Thank you for the friendly tip.

Trades are good if you take it easy

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you say that like a clean toilet is an insult rather than one of life's great pleasures
you should recalibrate your faggotry, faggot

Here's a random map laying around the accommodation to prove I'm in DE. I have ways to prove I'm Polish but I'm not sending you my ID ok

Well apparently the map is beyond the size limit... whatever. Polish my cock dry if you have doubts, then move on.

Niemcy to pedały i czarnuchy, jak ci nie wstyd opie?

Dlatego pracuje tylko z tymi białymi. A ze w pracy noszę rekawiczki, to nawet mogę podawac im reke

What are the ducts made of?

ducks obviously


Deutschland ist jetzt mein~~e~~ **zu** Hause~~,~~ und leider bin ich nicht befugt~~;~~
Gebietsänderungen vorzunehmen. Mund schlie~~ss~~**ß**en w~~a~~**e**nn ~~hast~~ du **nichts** ~~niemand~~ zu sagen **hast**... bitte **!**

Bitte versuche in Zukunft die Regeln der Interpunktion und insbesondere der Orthographie besser einzuhalten. Vielen Dank.

Usually steel coated with zinc, in rarer cases stainless steel.

Hab den Markdown shit wohl leicht verkackt.

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Ich brauche Zeit ... mindestens so viel wie die Unterzeichnung der bedingungslosen Kapitulation in 45 lol
Ich bin in jetzt in DDR, also spielt es keine Rolle so wie so

>be polish fag
>build shitty country
>get fucked in every war because my country is shit
>lose my shitstain of a country
>get lucky and get my country back (plus prussia)
>new country turns to shit
>move to krautland

I dont know where to start

lol, poland capitulated on 6.10.1939