What is your biggest regret? be honest for once, for one time, in your miserable life

what is your biggest regret? be honest for once, for one time, in your miserable life

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>what is your biggest regret?
Not killing myself sooner

don't say that
what makes you want to end it all?

voting for Joe Biden. truthfully.

Not voting for Trump

Simply living longer makes you live long enough to see man made horrors beyond our comprehension. Each year it gets worse.

I could have beaten the absolute shit out of my x-wife, who beat me regularly, and gotten away with it. I'm not saying she would have stayed with me, I'm saying I wouldn't have gone to jail. At least 4 solid cracks to the jaw. Sleepy time.

Voting for Biden

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Running up a credit card ten years ago. I've since paid it off but that took away numerous investment opportunities I could have made when I knew what I was doing.


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I was too scared to ask her to marry me

Getting married.

I regret voting for Trump after reading this based quote

Blonald Plompf

she wasn't going to say yes user. we both know this


I could have fucked Maryanne when we were juniors in HS

When I was about 12 or so, I wrote a story. A cheesy fantasy story. Everyone who read it said they liked it, and most of them kept bugging me to finish it. When school had assignments, I always picked writing stories (when I got to choose), and I never got anything else than an A (or rather an equivalent, since my country didn't use the A-F system at the time). Many times, I was asked to read the stories out loud to the class, and I invariably got applause. In another assignment, class was asked to predict what other classmates would work as, as adults. Basically everyone assumed I'd be a writer. So when the time came to talk to a guidance counselor about what we wanted for careers, I said I wanted to be a writer. He told me not to be stupid, and pick something real. So I did. Now, many decades later, after a lifetime of misery, I have picked up the pen again. I'm writing stories again. And I like what I'm doing. I'm doing well enough that I'm considering quitting my job and write full time.

So what's my regret? Not telling that guidance counselor to step out in front of a train. I've wasted 30 years. I've studied something I wasn't interested in, to earn money I didn't need, to be able to buy stuff I don't want. I should have been writing, all along.

All the nigger mayors!

not reading all that dawg

Wasting the last five years of my life being a virgin NEET, giving up my dreams. And being dumb enough to get a injury that prevents me from playing the only sport I ever loved. Also never trying to fuck in High School

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You've lived in a world with paper and pen this entire time. None of your writing happened during that time because it sucks and you're a faggot. Please don't make the mistake of thinking anyone has missed out on anything you could have possibly written. Nobody missed out on anything, you retard.

How do you know?

you would have fought harder if there was a chance no one just says "she would have married be but I didn't ask". like c'mon dude. I'm sorry to be a dick

you ghost posting bro?

That I fucked your mother and you were born.

Because it doesn't require any special talent to use a pen. Any non-nigger can do it. If you were any good at writing, you would have written in between your shifts at the fast food. But you didn't, because you're weak and stupid.