75,000 more dead Trumptards by the end of the month!!! Praise Jesus!

75,000 more dead Trumptards by the end of the month!!! Praise Jesus!

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How things change in 12 months. #12monthvaccinenarrativechallenge

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white people pay 92% of the taxes. when all the white people die, no one will pay taxes and it will be nothing but colored people on welfare and taxes will quadruple and the dollar will fail.

sure thing

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Imagine being so dumb you can’t see how you owned yourself here. This one is getting submitted to conservative self owns on Twitter



Yup. So let’s start educating the POC and helping them live productive lives so they stop eating away our taxes and benefits

Keep seething, coping and dilating, Leftard.

How did he own himself, you fucking retard?

Not sure if you know this, but vaccine hesitancy is not a partisan issue. The black people in my area are notoriously vaccine-hesitant. Possibly due to the Tuskegee experiments, etc.

At this ONE thing. #12monthchallenge

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They're inherently low-I.Q. There's no "educating" anyone. Their destiny is to be a subjugated mass.

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>when all the white people die

Eh, hate to break it to you, most the white people with money are liberal. The trumpers are mostly poor fucks. The rich trumpers including trump himself and everyone that works at fox news is vaccinated.

These threads are started by Pfizer and Moderna shills, they dont even get paid for it most of the time.
They believe they’re doing it for the advancement of science or some such nonsense

So whitey isn't paying their fair share? They hold 99% of the wealth

What a predictable response. You can screech about how we should send them back to Africa or lock them up or whatever the fuck else cuz it feels good in your punitive incel brain, but it’s not happening. So why don’t you focus on a real solution that’ll actually solve the problem? Oh because you don’t care about solving the problem you just want to bitch. You’re also 11 IQ less points than me on average for being a right wing retard, but you don’t see me throwing those statistics at you as a straw man when someone makes me look stupid.


Also "white people" don't pay 92% of the taxes. I'd love to see where you dug up that number.

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so is this survival of the fittest?

first we'll have to stop actively oppressing them, and giving them big real estate loans like white people got post-war era which created the large middle class.

and that's why I don't trust jews

so, it's liberals who refuse to pay their fair share? You fucking retards talk yourselves in circles all day long.

>Also "white people" don't pay 92% of the taxes
White people do pay over 92% of taxes, if you include jews, whom like to flip flop regularly on their "whiteness"

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Funny thing about all the antivaxxers bragging about how they haven't caught covid. Its like bragging about not getting gonorrhea.

It wasn't ever a problem because you'd have to leave the basement and be around other humans.

talking about paying taxes and bring out the GDP numbers.. yikes.

lots of well educated white people in medical fields have decided to refuse the vaccine and throw away thousands of hours of extremely hard work and their careers.

this is the reason people say "the right can't meme" Poor show chap. 0/10

I bet you felt like hot shit posting that, didn't you Joshua? Now go get your fat fuck mom to make you a hot pocket and shut the fuck up.

They don't say that.

been out everyday for two years, been good ever since. cope harder faggot.

you'll never be a woman.

???? Liberals are the ones advocating for it. It’s the small % of rich Trumptards that aren’t paying their fair share.

Most vaxxed country in the world has the most cases

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Even still, you will never be a real woman.

You sanctimonious little turd. Those yard apes have been given every opportunity to get educated and step out of their poverty. They don't have the drive. They're content being cultural slobs.

pretty sure that photo was in reference to the post he was replying to. Yikes.

What a DUMB FUCK you are. lmao

Almost as if the virus learns how to get around the vaccine/boosters

not really. any blacks who gained success or property were lynched, attacked, or had their property seized up until the 1960's. They're also denied loans on a racial basis.

I don't think you realize that ghetto culture was created by whites, forcing the nigs into those conditions even when they could otherwise succeed, they were denied success.

Now do deaths

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>a lefty believing some faggot-ass graph his atheist commie college professor shit out of his ass one day about conservatives having 'statistically' lower IQ's than liberals.

Oh, the LULZ......

This. Right wingers are too stupid to realize they’re actively perpetuating the same problems they bitch and whine about.

There wasn't any picture he was replying to. He was giving a "counter-argument" to the guy that was saying that 92% of whites pay taxes, by showing a picture of GDP of different areas. Yikes to you, for not understanding that his counter-argument was just a fail. Not saying that the original guy saying 92% of whites pay taxes is correct, but a fail nonetheless.

>believes in Facebook memes and Qanon

This is why people call you stupid. Because you are.

Direct correlation between lower intelligence and right wing ideologies



Conservatives have lower cognitive abilities




Trump supporters have higher mental rigidity, low empathy, unable to process new information


Conservatives less likely to be educated


Direct relation between Republicans controlling state legislature and higher infant mortality rates, proving they don’t care about saving children


Conservatives are less likely to distinguish fiction from reality, believe in disinformation


Republican senators and house members have far lower cognitive ability and education than democrats

so, that small % of Trump people not paying their taxes is why people are poor? You sound pretty fucking retarded. Go back to your nigger dick thread, faggot.

This would be a completely correct thing to say if in the same periods where the blacks kept being shit, asian communities thrived and got to the top.

Ease on bud. Science is white supremacy

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Nice illustration, fag.

I don't have the energy tonight to 'refute' that asinine post above. Suffice it to say - you're a "dumb fuck".

Democrats did all of those things.

Did I say that? Or you just made that shit up so you could attack it and not look like you have no argument?

Jew detected.

Ah yes bias retarded ass studies, do you want me to give you bias studies saying bullshit about the left ? Cause i can. You truly are retarded if you don't think that most of these studies you cited aren't indirectly funded by the DNC.

Confirmation Bias a helluva drug. lol


>fucking THIS.


he posted scientific studies which are designed to remove biases. Like literally that's the entire point of the scientist method.

In case you're confused the scientific method is why you're typing on a computer right now and not etching bone on a cave wall.

You do realize that 1969 was now 50 plus years ago. That's 2 generations. Time for you guys to get your shit together and realize Jim Crow died with the Johnson administration