Why are you still using Windows, user?

why are you still using Windows, user?

Attached: manjaro.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

As opposed to?


Linuxfags still coping in 2022. Sad.

your mom begged me to download windows 11

found the OSlet

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I'm retarded and like the retarded user interface

have fun with the forced updates mate

Yes. I love watching my computer updating and rebooting itself for hours and hours, it's like magic

because I play real video games and use real programs.

>i bend over and take it in the ass

I use both windows and macos. Windows for home and macos for uni. I prefer macos because it's a stable fucking unix like os as compared to linux where I'll have to learn how to fix it. I don't care for any of that. OS's are tools, and macos is the closest thing to linux I'll find without worrying about bugs

>using Manjaro
>not building your own arch
>not actually installing gentoo
>not doing lfs
I have no idea what you guys are doing

i switched to arch years ago, then to debian where i comfortably sit. winehq has gotten so good, if you set up ur OS correctly with drivers, you can just click windows .exes and 99.5+% of the time it just launches np.
splice/serum was kinda a pain, i had to get specific versions of some windows shitcode but after that it worked great.
EXCEPT NOTEPAD++, best text editor is a cunt and wont save any presets because it relies on window's user permission manager.
>linux is definitely not for the average retard that uses a pc
stay in your fucking foreverbox, we dont need retarded commits anyways

>winehq-staging package from your distros repo, plus your proprietary drivers, literally every exe should work... or youre just retarded and dont know how to do simple debug (i know reading for 5 mins is hard for you)

underrated comment

i can understand windows for very specific purposes--though even those specific applications usually have alternatives that you can relearn--but macos is a literal brainlet os who's only purpose is to get retards to start using computers

I’ll probably give Linux another go as a part time fag. Part of me is expecting it to be irritating as last time I tried it, and normalfags wanting to do things that I’m better just going back to windows for to avoid hours of pain

thank goodness there's no bugs, just the largest bot net on the internet and no antivirus in sight to remove it. dodged a bullet there XD fucking mac retard

i'm working on it
i'm an ex-windows user wanting to get away from all the horseshit and manjaro, out of twenty other linux distros, actually works for me
if i absolutely need to, i can run windows apps too so it's useful for a beginner getting into linux so that i can slowly take the microsoft cock that has been buried deep in my asshole for years

i use debian on my laptop but on desktop it fucking sucks, at least in my experience
using manjaro on desktop has been a fucking dream, no more bullshit windows updates
for notepad i use geany, it's basically the same thing if not better

I trust the backdoors built in it, also the government increased the head count for unauthorized computer use so gone are the days of porn bombs now the cost to play has to match the reward.
I like the net concept, all machines are equally vulnerable than when one changes it sticks out

Attached: kjnb.png (1226x494, 606.66K)

i'm not even a linux wizard and i'm able to get all the windows apps i want running on linux so idk how other people have problems

i have lubuntu on laptop and manjaro on desktop
i'll probably give arch or gentoo a go after i've been using linux for a while but it's obviously not for anyone who literally just wants a windows or mac alternative