Can we get a boomer hate thread?

Can we get a boomer hate thread?

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You misspelled "American College System Hate"

Enjoy your dystopia younger fags

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Why does everyone shit on having a trade job?

you need the weed and ice cream but everything else you can do without

They have only had 50+ years to build wealth. I wonder why they are so much more rich than I. It must be a sign of generational oppression.

>Why does everyone shit on having a trade job?
Brainwashing to make the money for the elite.

>hurr durr the infrastructure will just maintain itself

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litterally nobody has spotify prenium. if you do, youre a fag.

Imma be real with you, the student loan narrative is BS. Go to community College, you FAFSA will cover a majority, if not all. Then transfer up to your main uni, even if you borrow 100%, that's 40k borrowed instead of 80k in state on average. Assuming you aren't retarded, your academic achievements and FAFSA can help lower that further. That's if you even need a 4 year degree. Don't go get one for a field that pays like 30k a year

Brainwashing by parents and school system.

There are some valid complaints, like the toll most trades take on your body and the generally lower ceiling the trades have.

its still tens of thousands of dollars that boomers never had to pay, and they mock us over it.


Not only this, but if you are in a non-useless degree program you can write research grants. If you are a good student then scholarships and financial aid grants will cover more than 80% of school. If you aren't planning on being an A student the entire 4 years you should stay home and lean to be a plumber or something.

>wah I feel like I’m being mocked. I can’t do anything because people say words that I don’t like
So many sissy fags and traps. Many such cases. Sad!

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40k is still an absurd amount of debt to allow an under 25 to sign off on. And most 18 year olds are brainwashed into thinking community college = failure.

Most boomer do not have a degree. Its like 20% of boomers. Most of the ones you complain about have saved and sacrificed their entire lives. Each 5$ latte you resist purchasing now is 20$ in the bank when you are a boomer. You also get 1$ a year on top of that in dividends.

Learn how wealth is actually created.

Most under 25s I know have a car worth about that, and they bitch about their student loans when their car loan has like 8% interest.

Wears your body out faster

I am trying, but i got kicked out of a good uni before community college. Most universities have a policy that requires you to disclose your disciplinary record. I have doubts that they will let me in.

>Can we get a boomer hate thread?

The problem is not the boomers per se. The problem, as it has been since the beginning of time, is the rich. Capitalism is what has fucked us over and the boomers were raised on capitalist propaganda and happened to grow up in a historically unique time when the socialist progress of the New Deal meant that infrastructure was solid, pollution hadn't found its way home yet for most, the Capitalists were in need of workers due to the loss of manpower from WWII, the U.S. was in a position to exploit and manipulate foreign countries, so the white working class didn't feel as much of a pinch as workers elsewhere in the world and their sheer numbers gave them enough political power to fully believe the illusion that the democratic elements of the poltiical system were working.

Police weren't hyper-militarized, news reporting still generally reported factually and truthfully (the asshole Reagan dismantled the FCC fairness doctrine, so that pure propaganda outlets like Fox News could exist and fuck up your grandparent's mins) and a lot of boomers have been carefully isolated from all the shit the rest of us have to endure by the politicians that rely on them for votes.

wish i knew what zhe really told them. interesting experiment

used to be only wealthy people or exceptional people went to college. Then the government/banking industry figured out how to rake in tons of cash charging interest on non-defaultable student loans. Cost of tuition skyrockets while value of degree falls 'cuz now any idiot can go to college, "just take out a loan"

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>get gender studies degree
>waste entire life as a barista because "fuck the man"
>demand open borders and welfare for immigrants
>can't work out why rich people aren't paying me to exist
>lose job to a Mexican who works twice as hard without whining

Keep blaming other people for your shitty choices. That'll totally fix it... Moron.

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>blame boomers
>live better than boomers did
Yeah, fuck boomers. Why did they try to improve anything?

Can you be a little more specific?

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