What did you do today?

what did you do today?

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learned how to hide import tables and applied it to a prank program that will replace all icons with mountain dew and doritos

Nothing important. I just walked wall to wall in my room, listening to this, all day on repeat: youtu.be/WDB-F8rJnXI
I thought about upcoming suicide and how I will do it.
I feel almost liberated from this grim life.
Just a couple more days and I'll do it.
I'm gonna be free from all the bad things I did.
I'm gonna finally find peace.

just woke up. about to go back to sleep

Absolutely fucking nothing. I'm useless degenerate.

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I worked. Nothing of note happened, very uneventful day.

You don't exist to serve. You didn't sign any waiver before being born. Be as useless and as much of a degenerate as you want.

Thanks Satan

Took a day off from office so that I could have 3 days off in a row XD

Just browsing Any Forums and looking for a date on Tinder.

The day's just beginning for me, where I live. It's 7:27 a.m, and... I don't know. I just surf the web, I was watching videos with one of my pals on the early hours of the night... And I'm taking care of my sibling while my mother works. A quiet but calm life.

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who you pranking

my mac i learned how to turn off its opening sound

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My stomach is killing me and I’m all alone but I’m holding on still with a mountain of challenge before I reach winner status

find some hope and cling to it

nothing i slept till miday and got a day off thanks to texas inability to keep the roads de iced

i watched the medium
tho it was a pretty good horror film

Coughed a lot.
I got the Rona.

if you don’t share our enthusiasm and care for the vision of this thread, get your shit and get out you’re done

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i only browsed reddit for six hours today

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I ate some roast chicken and im about to get drunk for the rest of the day.

Told you to fuck off.

just got back from work and about to get fucked up and play the new dying light