How do I prepare myself mentally for suicide. I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually not sad at all...

How do I prepare myself mentally for suicide. I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually not sad at all, but that hurdle of knowing that you're going to die and the absolutely ancient drive to live is probably going to be really difficult to overcome. Basically how to I prepare myself to "just do it"

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If you can’t prepare for it, don’t do it

That's why I'm here I WANT to prepare for it. I don't want to bitch out at the last second. There must be psychological techniques to dissociate from yourself

Interest bump

That's a stupid question. Why would you care you'll be dead.

The tricks depends on your method

Do a 9/11 jump off a skyscraper and a barrel roll

What's making you scared to go further in life?

You're alive before you're dead user. The question is how do I not freak out and finish it all the way through

Contribute or fuck off.

They obviously suck at everything. Even commuting haruki

The end result of life is death, so why delay the inevitable? Literally no point. Planning on doing it myself as soon as I get my affairs in order. Not sad, just don't see the point in living if I'm going go die anyway.

if you want to kill yourself atleast do something cool or fun like overdosing on drugs or blowing your brains out in a crowded city. dont be a bridgefag

Quit being a little bitch

I'm not scared I'm tired. My life is a dead end and I want to leave. The thought of no longer existing is relieving, I'm not sad

Quit being such a a whiney little faggot

Get a gun and get really drunk by yourself.

I guess pushing yourself into a position where you're forced to do it is a good Idea but I can't discuss things like that here

How are you going to go if you don't mind me asking?

>absolutely ancient drive
interesting beliefs you've got there

Even cells try their best to stay alive user

Acid and shrooms.

Ah yes I too remember algae committing mass suicide during the triassic period

Alchohol and a shotgun. Going to get plastard and go out with a bang.

I guess if you want to make a statement. Opiates Music and helium sounds a lot more pleasant tbh.

Have fun OP.

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Well three of those were me. I'm gonna go out peacefully with gas. No need for drama or theatrics.

I don't, also you can't find pure helium tanks anymore. They've gotten wise to that shit, but you can easily get alchohol and a shotgun. You don't even have to have allot of money, maybe about $300.