Just learned that a half bully/half friend died of bone cancer

just learned that a half bully/half friend died of bone cancer

It happened right when we were 18 but I didn't find out about it until now when i'm 23
because I abandoned all social media when I was 17

I really didn't like him but I DID like him when we were 14/15 years old and i slept over at his house and stuff

I knew the kid for 8 years

why do I feel so weird I don't feel sad but I do not feel okay either

Lucas man if you can read this we were just kids and I guess I didn't like you but I didn't want you to die

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This has all the hallmarks of a Reddit cope that you pasted

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Lucas is gay and youre a faggot.

no sir
he wasn't and i'm not

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RIP Big Gabe

I've got a friend in a similar situation: he's cut off all contact with everyone since his shitty girlfriend convinced him it was better for him. Whether he meant to or not leaving like that, multiple times too, burned some bridges and I don't really care about what happens to him.
I hope I feel something when he's gone.

Don't beat yourself up about how you feel user. Just remember him, good and bad. It's all we can really do for people we cared for

thanks bro, what's bothering me is that it's not really fair to judge someone on when they were 1-18 (unless they committed a horrible crime) but I do genuinely dislike him but I could have maybe grown to like him again (we were good friends early hs) had he lived past 18

I disagree with the idea that you can't judge people before 18, as long as you were both similar in age. They were formative years for both of you, and while you may have ended up on different paths, it's unfair to absolve him of any perceived wrongdoing. There's no sense in wondering what could have been, because you never could have known what would happen when you two made your choices in the past.
It's perfectly normal to have mixed feelings on someone's passing, especially if you've grown distant. In time you'll come to terms with your feelings about him based on what you've experienced, not what could have been.

Sorry for blogposting, but I know how rough this can feel

idk man, I was a LOT more mean and assholian before I reached age 20
afterwards I chilled out and I like to think i'm kinda cool to hang with
but if I died at 18 everyone who knew me would view me as that teenage asshole doomer
which is not what I grew up to be

I suppose that's just a difference in experiences then. I don't think I've changed much at all since middle school, but it was unfair of me to assume that was the case for everyone.
Unfortunately I don't think it changes much here. With nothing left to go on, you'll have to judge him on face-value at the time you knew him. Don't beat yourself up if you don't have a concrete feeling about him until days or even years later. It makes sense to want to see the good in people when things like this happen.

Who knows? Maybe you'll deem him a good person in the end, maybe not. The only thing that matters is that you really believe your choice.

yeah I guess so
it just goes to show you have to really tarnish your reputation and do terrible things in order for people that knew you to despise you

this is an okay outcome actually, i'm okay with this realization

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Feeling okay is a great sign, user, really. I won't pretend to know him, but I like to think anyone in the final moments would forgive you for the way you feel about them.

With that resolution reached, I'll leave you with a song. Perhaps it can hold some meaning for you like it does me.

You're a fag i Hope Lucas haunts your sorry ass forever for being a little queer, you sucked him off at those sleepovers didnt you? And now you cant figure out if you truly liked it or not, its not Lucas fault you're a homo gay fag

good song

no it wasn't like that, we played smash on his game cube, smoked a blunt in the 24/7 laundry mat down his street and then pretended to do smoke sticks with his 0mg disposable vapour pen (this was before vapes were a common thing)

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KYS faggot.

Sounds like a bro to me, did you get sad when he called you a queer with his schlong down your throut or why are you mad about him? What did he do to you?

no I got sad when he told a girl that I liked her ass and yelled at everyone that I smoked hella weed ( was trying to fuck preppy girls and that ruined it)

ANYWAYS it's been years and it's strange to think about

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Aye thats a douchebag move, 100% but grilling your homies dank m8.
I know the feel when people cant stfu about the herb in High school. But at the end of the Day you're a fag and those Girls would reject you when they got to know your gay ass anyway, but Lucas spirit will hunt you forever telling even Angels you got a weed dick