Proving what we already know. Republicans are severely mentally challenged

Proving what we already know. Republicans are severely mentally challenged.

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Really interesting user. I'm so proud of your contribution.

>haha religious people are so dum and evil xd le stupid white christians lmao
>also yes we should throw the borders open to millions of religious fundamentalists from the third world

Just admit your seething racist hatred of white people.

hey I hate white people just as much as the next guy but I'm not seething like you are

>trust the science

Because wanting to flood the country with dirty uneducated immigrants that hate you is not mentally challenged?

Go defund the police and get raped by tyrone repeatedly in your own house using your boy pussy after your sex change operation.

imagine living your life in constant fear like a conservative

Okay, I will.

Elizabeth, my heart is thine. Thy fragrant words, warm within like wine.

converting to atheism won't increase my IQ so I don't care


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>didnt sage

Arguing with theists is a waste of time, OP.
By the way, I'm atheist but I hate the Democratic party more than I hate the Republican party. Republicans often claim to be Christian but there is some cognitive dissonance going on in their heads since they're racist and don't want immigrants, which is something Jesus would probably reprimand them for. So even if I think religion is dumb I'm okay with Republicans since they don't practice what they preach anyway.
One of the authors of the study is called (((Zuckerman))) and it would be pretty antisemitic of you not to trust his science.

Correlation does not equal causation.

You will never be white, Taleb.

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The highest IQ individuals in history were believers

>all Republicans are religious

Isaac Newton is the rare exception.
Leonhard Euler was a simpleton for everything except math and physics, so his religiosity was pretty conventional and he wasn't obsessed with it as much as Newton.
Carl Friedrich Gauss thought there was no real evidence to believe in God and the afterlife, but he was a bit of a scaredy cat so he wanted to believe since a world with no afterlife scared him and appeared "meaningless" to him.
In general, as you get closer to modern times smart people become less and less religious. Most scientists nowadays seem to be either atheist, or agnostic, or they embrace some vague deistic spirituality. It's rare to find a good scientist genuinely committed to the Bible nowadays.



Republicans are fucking faggot so are democrats. Jew worshiping faggots are retarded niggers too.