Movies that give you the feeling of being isolated?

Movies that give you the feeling of being isolated?
Looking for a movie to watch with that feeling. Doesn’t exactly have to have liminal space stuff.
The Langoliers, Ghosts of Mars, The Thing, Phantoms

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The Last Airbender

funny games


Leaning toward this. Thanks

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didn’t ask

you slag




The Descent, Gravity, Alien

*cums on your face*
I think some got in your mouth :/

Gravity sucks, the others are good.

Tarkovsky's Solaris or Stalker

28 days later. At least at first.

Great movie, and yeah that opening is amazing

Not a movie but the episode of The Twilight Zone, King Nine Will Not Return has always been super unsettling and very lonely

4o days of night has its moments

what are they about though

Google em

Could’ve been decent if it didn’t star jesse eisenjew
Can’t stand that guy


Moon's pretty good, I didn't quite feel like it stuck the landing but I like it

Also, Sunshine

I hope you didn't just ask what Alien is about.


Absolute kino
This too

The Grifter 2
