What is your experience with Indians in tech? They're practically the most numerous...

What is your experience with Indians in tech? They're practically the most numerous, arguably the most competent and are the foundation of silicon valleys success

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i love indiana jones

another example of the upper class flooding themselves with slaves that eventually take over

They lie constantly about everything and have no idea what they're doing. Except some are ok, but you have to hire and fire a lot of them to find those ones.

they copy a lot from stackoverflow

if you read the bible carefully, all their personality traits are the opposite of the basic teachings.

don't lie
don't steal
don't be lazy
etc etc...

they are generally terrible to work with, not good in their work, they need to be held by hand with every kind of work, no logical skills.
their force is in:
- numbers, they are millions
- low pay, you can hire many for less than one competent programmer

obviously there are many skilled workers and many are even better than western ones BUT they are an exception

also, terrible english to the point that communication by voice is often impossible

all true

Seethe, Indians will run the US and whites can’t do anything about it

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Dirty subhumans who lie and cheat their way to the "top"

britfag here, currently been given a team of 2 indians to manage on a web project.

- They can't do anything on their own
- They need constant hand holding
- The code they write is poor and full of bugs

We're paying the agency £2k a week for them. it's at the point now where I've got another job lined up. :/ Sucks because I really liked working there.

Based and Pajeetpilled.

Seething cumskins can't do anything about the Indian takeover of Silicon Valley

>Another job lined up
((They)) will push them there too.

tf? that is actually insane! why are pajeets so successful compared to every other group in america? i know there are a lot of them in IT but that can't be the only thing

asians buy a home and split it between multiple families. one house is home to at least 4 adults which explains the income.

yeah thats true but most of the indians i know only bring their parents to usa so their parents can take care of their children while they work. they are usually non-working non-earning extended family members. a lot of other asian cultures used to do the same but don't anymore, other asian groups have gotten pretty westernized.

>why are pajeets so successful compared to every other group in america?
They go for anything STEM, a quarter of the doctors here are Indian

That table will give the anti Semitic trolls a lot to think about.

Indian doctors in my experience are far more competent and compassionate than other doctors in the US

in my experience indian and chinese doctors are the most competent and top tier. whites are good to mid. black and latino doctors are the fucking worst, stay away from those retards. they cut their medical studies in half by going to some no name caribbean medical school, come back to united states and start doing frankenstein shit. fucking absolute retards, niggers and latinos doctors should be illegal.

Caribbean MDs should have an asterisk next to their name.

why fucking allow them at all