The earth is flat

The earth is flat

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why do you think that?
don't give me an hour long youtube video, i won't watch it
tell me in your own words like an adult and i'll read your argument.

in the history of arguments, no one has ever lost an argument with a flat earther

roundtards seething rn

The earth is jew shaped

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If the earth is flat, how exactly do you explain how dogs learned to speak english?

Cuz people think it's a ringworld and the sky is fake

Well, the universe is flat so clearly the earth is flat.

Skynet. Extinction shortly.

This is you

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you're right, it's true, it's magic to you and the uneducated
LMAO ngmi

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flat earthers exposed as just a bunch of bots

Space is fake

If only I could snort the chemtrails...

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Globetard sheep

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you can't just say something is fake. What's your alternate belief and what supports it?

>He doesn't know how vacuums work
Shiggy diggy. An actual vacuum doesn't behave the same way the vacuum cleaner you dont use to clean up your cheeto dust does.

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who profits from the deception and why?

canceling my blue origin flight then. I was hoping to stick my dick out the window and be the first one to fuck a vacuum that big

International airline pilots would be very amused with the theories on why none of their profession in history has ever seen a sea edge

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your mom will die in her sleep


Nasa they steal our tax dollars

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That shit is fucking extinction dude

These pieces of shit can't control the fucking weather

Like watching a baboon try to invent a space station, only to burn down his own forest

What a joke

if you want to fuck something that big, try my mom

as someone who used to work for NASA, they're not very good at it if that's the case. Google how much of a percentage the federal budget NASA gets and get back to me.


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any flat earther lovers / flat earther haters for discord? /CSJAAG3xnU

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and before NASA even existed? We knew earth was round back then too