Trump won

Trump won.

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any trump lovers/ trump haters on discord? /CSJAAG3xnU

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You are clinically insane. But hey, believe whatever keeps you from killing yourself, you fucking retard.

Thought this image was fitting. A broken down old man thinks he won something

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Does this make you feel better about being a loser and a laughingstock, white trash retard?

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We know.

Only 2 more weeks, right?
>trust the plan

Yeah we'll have that curve flattened by then.

Trump won the election AND AT THE SAME TIME wanted Pence to overturn the result of the election.

modernity has taught me an important lesson over the years. Words can be said by anyone about anything. we can get our feelings up with platitudes and personal beliefs and values. theres nothing physically stopping anyone from saying anything. but practical reality doesnt' care.

you say trump won, maybe he had the votes and is was stolen, maybe its all a big charade. and we can say that all day. but the practical reality is that joe biden lives in the whitehouse and exersizes executive authority. so no matter what we say. the practical reality is that joe biden is currently occupying the presidency which means that he won and achieved the goal of the election legitimate or not

Wrong again you stupid, lying shithead.
Lying trump never won anything. He is a fat, stupid, lying sack of shit, just like you.

not the popular vote, either time. or any of the election lawsuits.

Election fraud… Russia gate… all just symptoms of copium

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This post really brightened my day, thread works every time

He won the hearts and minds of the countries biggest retards. That's about it. Lost popular vote to Hillary fucking Clinton. Jfc what a fucking world class loser.

I love how Biden can simultaneously be a dementia riddled fool and also the greatest mastermind of all time stealing an American election and embezzling millions all while leaving no proof of his crimes. This while Donald the best president ever (apparently) can't even tweet about it.

Trump lost

Yes. Unironically, he did win in 2016. And hen he got beat in 2020. That is a thing that happens in elections... sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Trump lost in 2020, won an amazingly surprising com from nowhere win in 2016, and for political trivia fans, he ran for the Reform Party nomination in 2011 against Pat Buchanan but got no traction at all and dropped out of the primaries early.

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It's fascism 101. They select an enemy that is simultaneously weak and stupid, yet so powerful that they're constantly a threat that must be watched out for. Hither did it with the jews, too.

>not the popular vote,
Nothing could be more of a non-issue. There is no single national popular vote for President in the US -- there are 51 distinct elections to choose electors. The election of the President is decided by the electors chosen, not in any sense by the direct popular vote. Trump won the election in 20016, lost it in 2020. Pretending the agregate populare vote of those different elections means something is foolish, the candidates, all of them, know how the election will be decided, and allocate funds and resources accordingly. If the rules were different, the campaigns would have been different, putting resources into different areas and generating different vote totals.

>or any of the election lawsuits.
Last I looked his team one one of them, which did not change the outcome of anything. It's the only win they got, it seems cruel to try and take it away from them.

Curious as to what you think you posted.

im not aware of any legal win.
it may be a non-issue, but its still true.

Hall Hither!

I see what you did


They won some stupid bullshit about election observers being allowed to be within 8 feet or something. They lost 49 others. Trump supporters are the biggest white trash retards alive.

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Ah, I was focusing on the bigger issues. You're right, they were allowed to observe, which I'm sure they could have accomplished by simply asking politely.

The one case they won, filed Nov. 4 in Pennsylvania, had to do with the rules effecting counting and election results. It centered on reducing the amount of time Pennsylvania voters had to fix errors on their mail-in ballots. The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee were granted an injunction against the secretary of state to prevent extending the proof of ID period by three days. The matter involved a small number of ballots that didn’t change the outcome. Trump still lost the state. That is the only case I know of where they won the relief sought, and it did not matter.