What makes woman happy?

What makes woman happy?

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Not even women themselves know this user. It is an exercise in futility to try to find out.

$ and not having to work.

feeling safe, loved, and dominated by a strong man


making men unhappy

literally this.

t. femanon

Unearned money


depends on the day lol. it changes depending on my mood.

who gives a shit, just let them stew in their angst

I could be wrong, but I think that women want wife beaters, rapists, murderers.

tits or GTFO

>depends on the day lol. it changes every 5 minutes in ways that defy all logic and sense

honestly, children or a facsimile (if we are talking about grown women). even the ones who say they don't want children, they always end up with a bunch of pets or a manchild of a husband that they need to look after. they may hate it but they are always looking to nurture.

also, money.

Food, drugs, money to spend. Good sex. Rides.

accurate af lmao

this too tho. im 23 and for the past yearish all i wanted is to get pregant.

that biological clock is ticking femanon. you are already past your prime

yah but im not trying to get single mommed. im fucked up from not having a dad not trying to repeat the cycle if u feel me

don't rob future generations of an easy slut like yourself. just be a single mother and be the gift that keeps on giving.

also, tits or get the fuck out.


money and getting dicked.


nah fuck that. i cant even afford myself i def cant afford to have a kid on my own.

Doesn’t the government give you money for having kids?

i mean maybe. i live with my parents right now tho so i dont think i can get welfare?

Who cares.

Are you middle class or above?

im poor af lol. i wait tables and make like $200 a week. my parents have money my step dad makes like $90,000 a year. i grew up poor tho llived in a trailer most my life.