I have not been vaccinated since birth

i have not been vaccinated since birth
i still have my foreskin
i live happily without any radical fetishes
i live happily as a heterosexual white cis male

not changing anything about this

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Post evidence or shut the hell up

You're missing one

Unvaxxed, Uncut,Uncucked,Unsucked

I hope you don't use any kind of meds too. Who knows what this fucking aspirin has inside?

Godspeed. You are still alive. The decline of the others will soon become self evident for all.

LoL vaxxtard shills are desperate. Their little narrative is crumbling.

Unironically using the tranny jew word "cis" makes you look like a fucking retard

You sound like you're boring to have sex with


Somehow you can tell by a few typed up words. You sound like a mongoloid

You forgot the most important one: are you sneeded or unsneeded?

i dont use any meds
i have no mental disorders or disabilities

Seeing people malding at this post is making my day

Cope harder while i get my popcorn

Hey nigger don't lump me in with the mad trannies. Stop using the word cis. You sound like a fucking retard. Cis describes a normal person. Say normal instead of cis. Using their language concedes victory you idiot.

Great, you're a list of negatives.

>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I don't like when people use that word! WAAAAAAAAAAA

Go fuck yourself you fucking absolute nigger.

I'm trying to help you. You are a hopeless stupid faggot.

I fail to see how this is relevant or why its worth bragging about it on /b.

So what? what else? never smoked? never fucked? dont drink? dont have a driving license? never had daddy issues? never fucked the neighbors dog? nobody gives a fuck what you do with your life.

Your only source of amusement is trying to make asshats rage on /b?


You are coping just like the rest of them
Go on, let it all out


u sad

The game

jesus christ this thread is fucking crazy.