Attached: spammers - lol.png (201x57, 10.15K)


Same, using chanx and have 23 hidden. The sneeding seems to have upset the troons LOL

Butthurt trannies

you cant escape wytboi

Attached: 35errlxdqj851.jpg (1536x2048, 145.08K)

Attached: uhhh.jpg (349x326, 19.13K)

A single click makes your life's work go away, tranner. A single fucking click. That’s what your efforts amount to.
You stupid faggot.

>sneedposters get bored within a day
>troons start working overtime
we did it reddit, we took back Any Forums!

Attached: cancer.png (153x30, 1001)

You need to go back

hey I know nigger females are that ugly and male looking but sadly you still wont pass as THAT

if only you could remove BBC that simple from your head, it's living there rent free wytboi

Attached: 1612798867430.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

I’ve been here since 2007, nothing you post phases me. I’ve seen gore, torture and depravity even you coom brain can’t encompass. In turn I am completely desensitised. Your oiled turds affect me between zilch no not at all.
That’s the difference between us, faggot. I’ve survived and still function as a human in the real world. You post from your piss stank bedroom, styling yourself a warrior, as if any of this matters.
You really should follow the statistics, there is nothing for you here.

you engaged me so i already won, the seed is planted whiteboi

Attached: 1621761482854.webm (480x480, 1.58M)

He's right. Look at how much you are seething you little bitch. All you little dick white subhumans hate seeing black dudes getting laid with your women, that's why you had laws against it for 400 years.

Based OP, very based indeed.
Nigger lovers are retards.

As if you can set any rules that affect me, faggot. It is truly comedic how easy is for us to erase all of your work with a single click. I speak with you because I want you to know it. I want you, every time you post a new picture, when you paste the same bait text, to know that nothing you do here matters. You are playing an over glorified cookieclicker. That’s what your entire existence revolves around.
You can’t even verbalise any meaningful reply. Just more worn out bait. You unimaginative, stupid faggot.

come on whiteboi, dont you want a little lick?

Attached: 1617548106064.jpg (750x1000, 104.06K)

It is so bizarre how someone can wake up, navigate to his computer, sit down, read a comment and still react like a trained dog. Mindlessly repeating his pavlovian reactions to stimuli. Are you truly incapable of forming a coherent reply or just cope with it ?

you know you want to, aren't you curious what all the fuss is about?

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>117 threads hidden
Also jews, discord trannys and degenerates need not reply. Youre a worthless waste of life who will wind up killing yourself anyways

Attached: 1643383397154.gif (741x674, 111.4K)

Love the auto-hiding IN threads as well. Who knows what the butthurt is. But it doesn't show up apart from a nice sign of wasted effort.


Attached: LOL.png (133x243, 17.39K)

>117 threads hidden
LMAO - that's fucking pro. Also don't forget, the spammers look like pic related

Attached: 1643810133074.png (1920x953, 439.36K)

LOL is that real?????

Yeah - someone took screenshots from the bbc trannie safe-space discord server. There's like 150 screencaps

Attached: 1643809706766.png (1920x964, 539.88K)

Do you know how many times I have slapped a working stove with my dick ?
Not a single one, shockingly. Why ? Because my brain can simulate shit. There are a plethora of things every second I do not do because I think about if doing them would net me any benefit. Your entire faggotry is not something anyone stumbles on and goes to try out just because.Over the 90% of people are straight. You will not entice or trick them to degrade themselves by this spam. You can only do that to a faggot and they already seeks the faggotry on themselves. This is some bullshit reverse day of “why are you straight” going on.

And here is your chance, not being clicked on, to be hidden. And what do you do, what do you say ? The exact same things you do in the other threads.
Jesus fucking christ, you defective, broken record of a person.

it turned out that bbc posters really were discord trannies all along

Attached: who could it be.png (513x585, 526.25K)

That's awesome vet there's some really special people in there

THAT HAS GOT TO BE A FAKE!!! JEW TRANNIE. fucking my sides

Some gracious user pls post their filter list for chanx. Many thanks in advanced.

You need to cope.


Attached: 1643809797103.png (1920x969, 338.43K)

It's 50% General filters and 50% about the MD5's - know how to use them?

>b-built for bbc!
t. this guy

Attached: 1643750769433.png (1920x962, 560.82K)

Fucking hell these troons are insane!

Attached: 1643745465832.png (1920x957, 283.01K)

>know how to use them?
Sort of. I had a few in subject and they worked pretty well. I'm looking to get a sample of one that's more complete.

Here's some more for you

pastebin com g8pnV2xL

Got those from someone else

With what, you stupid faggot ? I am not posting 50 threads a day for years in a desperate attempt to justify my own existence. We are not some ideological opponents fighting a titanic battle of wits. You are a shiposter that somehow convinced himself the things he is doing are somehow important. I am wasting my time with you because I want you to realise it. I want you to suffer. You have killed my board with your retardation, and for what ?

You’re this butthurt by BBC?

LOL. This is a treasure trove of butthurt stupid

Attached: 1643810049455.png (1920x966, 611.9K)

Does the spammer know the posts within thread don't show up? Carry on wasting your time though....

Attached: poor dumb trannie.png (121x254, 26.44K)

he's seething cause he knows deep down its true and this is his way of coping, bascially covering his eyes and ears and screaming

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Shouldn't need filters and SIX YEARS of counter trolling. The mods need to do their fucking jobs. Bronies only lasted a matter of months before they got their own board and a specific report function. These political raids, are FAR worse then those fags ever were.