Need a name for a FOSS project

In my company we are making a Tor static blog generator and I am tasked with most of the project's development. Our company name is Cherry. We need a name for our project. I'm open to suggestions.

My idea -> Cherry Docupeer.

Attached: photo_2022-04-20_18-57-34.jpg (960x1280, 125.59K)

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>Tor static blog generator
This has to be a bot post

Cute cat. How about “cherry bloganon” or something along those lines?

That's a retarded way of putting it. I did not want to mention any peculiarities. It's basically an application that helps you write in MD and publish your blog on IPFS and set IPNS and DNSLink and stuff like that. We're also providing IPFS storage over our chain for the static files. Like Filecoin.

I'm thinking of Blogchain? Because we want to have people offer peer pinning using an ERC20 contract on our chain.

So for the uninitiated in IPFS the more peers who have pinned your files in their system the faster your files can be acccessed. Like Filecoin we are offering something like that over our chain but just for static HTML files geenrated from MD.

I want the HTML files to be 100% self-sustained .I am going to use Base64 for the images and inline the scrips and stylesheets. I just want there to be HTML files. Nothing else.

Now that i know a bit more about it. Yeah “your post is confirmed on the blogchain”. That sort of thing is perfect. Maybe “building blogs” (building block pun, for the autists out there). Basically something punny

CHERRY, Auerbach?

Great then. I'll go with Blogchain. We can change the name later.

Not sure what that means. My boss' name starts with H.

oh ok, nevermind

Attached: Cherry.png (1200x800, 68.92K)

Where can I keep updated on development? Sounds interesting

blogly, writely, anonly, typely, blogspacely, spacely, vently, diaryly, journaly, recordly.

Blog + tor = blorgor

I ended up naming it Cherry Hemingway because I felt like it's classy. You can follow it here.

Cunnies R Us

My boss has said to strictly form from existing projects at every step I take. So the first thing I am going to do is to fork a Rust MD -> HTML project but I am going to change it considerably.


"I'm Gay And I love Dicks" sounds like a good foss project


Why not just use Jekyll and some bash scripts

> using God's ass, Ruby

no tx. I hate Perl and Ruby. I only tolerate Python. When you got Rust and Go there's no excuse to use them.

oh shit I didn't read the Tor part.
What the fuck are you doing, OP??