What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?

What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?
>Pic unrel

Attached: whatever-annoyed.gif (496x280, 1.16M)

Nothing. He'd probably be too stupid to take good advice when he hears it, anyway.

If he would by some miracle listen to what you have to say, what would you tell him?

Save as much money as you possibly can. Ten years from now you're not going to want any of that stupid shit your buying anyway.

What dumb shit would you buy?

Wave my hand out towards memories of missed opportunities during shy/beta phase and say

"Fuck them! Fuck them all my boy!"

i'm slightly senile at 25. i'm in pain due to whatever creator having a fetish for harming me and others. i'd tell him to snort fent from his sister's room so he could die and be at peace.

Stop watching porn

buy bitcoin

I'd take my dad's advice and convince my girlfriend at the time to get an abortion.


>Don't pluck your nose hairs, invest in crypto, let certain people go

start lifting, buy bitcoin, if she cheats with you she cheats on you

It would be "kill yourself".

Why not pluck nose hairs?
I plucked a few and it made my nose look better to me


Contact data and hang-outs of some girls I simply met too late.


That goes triple for me

ask a girl out once in your life. stop expecting a girl to approach you or hoping some serendipitous moment will happen through your friends, work, school, etc. Women don't make the first move, except for a hook-up which you don't want regardless.
stop eating like shit. count your calories. eat more protein. cut out the carbs.
start lifting, no one gives a shit about you in the gym or how stupid you look
actually apply to jobs in college, rather than not even trying due to thinking you'll end up on some do not hire blacklist if you get rejected once
invest in crypto. invest in a brokerage account.
build your own computer and mining rigs
purchase a house early - stop renting
consider doing astronomy/physics or a more outdoorsy science (eg. geophysics) in your undergrad, rather than engineering. you hate the engineering program at your school. the professors don't speak english, and you'll fall through the cracks. you can get a job as an engineer regardless
actually go to class
stop playing WoW. you will quit in a couple years regardless.
don't stay at the same job for more than a couple years early in your career. your loyalty goes unrewarded. you get far more salary-wise if you jump around, being a disloyal cunt
Don't bother getting a security clearance job. You hate the bureaucracy regardless.
Leave your high school friends behind. They leave you behind regardless.
Study abroad if you can. You are only young once.
Expose yourself to as many opportunities as possible, rather than worrying about making a fool of yourself and avoiding everything. Don't let avoidance derail your life. It leads you down a depressing, lonely road.
data hoard everything on the internet. things you like will be removed with time. you know what I am talking about.
consider grad school or a PhD. your career doesn't bring a sense of fulfillment. Avoid the infested engineering program with horrible professors that cannot speak english.

if all else fails, kill yourself

Don't get into debt from cars, school or anything else. Find a girl you love and not just love to fuck. Find hobbys that involve a level of exercise. Always save money and strive twards buying property, specifically one u can rent while living on. Plan for your retirement (sounds dumb but when u start hitting 30 or 40 it becomes obvious why)

What you do between 18-25 years old determins weather ur living pay check to paycheck or your ganna be chilling in ur 40s or 50s

34 yr old user from nyc here

Join the army you not going to Amount to anything better.

idk im not 20