What was your favorite video game system as a kid? Mine was the sn3edtendo gamec_huck

What was your favorite video game system as a kid? Mine was the sn3edtendo gamec_huck.

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Man I can’t believe it’s been 50 years since GameCube was released, I feel old..

Mfw it's been 64 years since the n64 came out

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Time flies man..


The GameCube was fucking awesome

Grew up a poor fag in the early 90s, so I had an NES until 1999, when I finally got a playstation. Hard to choose between NES and Playstation.

PS2 + Gameboy Adv. SP

Too bad the Gamecube was a failure.

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I have some regrets about making this thread do you guys think sneedtendo chuckcube is better

Better than what, you fucking retard?


sneedtendo gamechuck

For me was Minecraft

keep the faggoty sneed threads to Any Forums if you want responses and screencaps.

Madden '94, Street fighter turbo, Mario world, Kart, DKC, Turtles in time, Aladdin, Starfleet Academy ect.

obviously the most powerful that I had
if I had PS, it would be PS no doubt
but it was Sega until I got a PC

Playstation 2
I got mine about when it came out and had both a great and ever expanding lineup of games, and a huge PS1 backlog that was being heavily discounted. I miss the old backwards compatibility days.

Also Battlefront 2 and WDL Thundertanks... holy hell those were good games.

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I always liked Sega Sneedasis

definitely the psp
always loved playing the funny rhytm game with eyeball people

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