You can't get into legal trouble for saying shit about someone as long as it's true right?

You can't get into legal trouble for saying shit about someone as long as it's true right?

Attached: AngryWelder.jpg (268x388, 25.27K)

needs more context, but most of the time yes you can say the truth.

It becomes harassment if they ask you to stop and you are still antagonizing them, but there are more gray areas.

One of my ex's cheated on her husband repeatedly and strung me along while she was supposedly getting divorced. So I'm a simp with a vendetta and was gonna post this on social media

Attached: censored.jpg (960x973, 224.52K)

ew why would you get strung along by an cow like that?

that's the kinda information that leads to doxxing so you might want to check the local and fed law on that

She looks pretty good thin and she's actually really cool to talk to, aside from being a hoor

She must have fit right in with clydesdales.

she's a hog and a whore. sucks you got dragged through that.

he's right, be weary.
Lawyer here, and this isn't legal advice

The truth bit helps with libel or slander which are the traditional legal charges for something like this. However, there could be laws around doxing, depends on your state. Certainly against most platform policies.

Better to let it go dude. Sometimes it's just better to cut it off and move on.

The fucking kicker is she was white trash from Bum Fuck Michigan when I dumped her and she stumbled into marrying a fucking tech millionaire. Never worked a day in her life

Have evidence to back it up. (Like actually credible. Most people fabricate shit, especially in the two party system to smear each other like fucking tools to fit their narratives). Anyone who takes hearsay at face value is an idiot. No exceptions.

She literally posted a thread on /soc/ looking for a hookup from the hotel room her husband reserved for them lol. That's where that pic is from

better have physical proof on tape or its libel/slander charges and a trip to jail if their feelings get hurt.

disgusting why the hell would a millionaire settle on that whale?

He's kind of old, and a manlet

As long as its an opinion, or a statement that doenst cause them to suffer any damages or losses.

by phrasing It as her saying It you are being untruthful, i would reccomend against posting this because fuck man like whats the point just try and move on and be with someone who isnt a huge fucking cunt

Define "trouble." I was once working on a project the required using some NFL logos. Our local team's legal guys worked with us to get permission, at the end of th hevprocess I said to their attorney, "OK, have I got everything I need? I want to be sure I don't get sued!" His response: "Nobody can make sure you wont get sued, but with what you have, if you got sued you would not lose."
Point being, there are degrees of legal trouble. If the NFL had decided to be dicks, for reasons, I'd have won the case, but fighting off an organization with that much clout would have still been a lot of trouble... and I had my paperwork in order! Proving I had permission would have bern much easier than provingbibwas telling some random truth.
Before stepping in it, find one of those "first hour consultation free" attorneys and get better advice than what you'll get on Any Forums.

Wary. Weary is tired.

and she's probably still sleeping around and will take him for everything he is worth.

She literally did nothing but travel on his dime and stay at home in bed for like 5 years and she said she wants more in the settlement so the last few years of her life weren't being called worthless, lol

what a hog

I mean she's really cool to talk to, smart AF and can carry on about anything. Perverted AF too

Shame about the being a fat hoor thing