/dpt/ - daily programming thread

old what are you working on Any Forums?

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Learn Lisp.

Momi Ritsuko Akagi. She's my mom, Any Forums.

i'd rather learn Forth

Learn Clojure. Get paid.

Learning about testing express servers.

What's a server?

What's a test?

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use feature qw(say);

my $str = "Seed & Feed";
$str =~ s/eed/uck/g;
say $str;

Learn forth instead

I'm trying to figure out how to code a theme switcher for a site that I want dark net compatible (meaning I don't want to use JavaScript).

I've got all of the css variables and html buttons set up, I just don't know what to do exactly.
Can php (idk if I should use this language (I can't code backend shit)) deal with session/local storage or cookies? My website needs to have the ability to save theme settings.


Holy fuck this guy's laugh

*stack underflows in your path*

your backend will have to return a different stylesheet based on a cookie
is the webdev thread

you learning to code golf?

use @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) retard. god i fucking hate you motherfuckers building sites that require me to switch the theme manually when i switch between dark/light mode on my OS.

How do you cope with bad dark themes like jithub's?

i just accept it since many sites have that inconsistent or shitty look in light mode too. if it's unusably bad like having extremely thin font and low contrast then i write some css.

I don't know if I'll be able to, my body rejects it.
Whatever I write looks pretty boring compared with the bullshit perl you find everywhere.

It's crazy that in a country full of Asians a blonde is the head scientist.

I find that too. I think she have that apreciation by the women coworker because she's like a idol to her.

More like
>forgot the state of the stack in your path

Yeah, but to become an idol you have to be smart in the first place, nevertheless, most Asians worship white people and she was the last scientists kid but who knows.

Just added support for this.
Not sure if I like it though because I usually like having a dark theme on my desktop and apps, and a light theme for my websites. Whatever.
>your backend will have to return a different stylesheet based on a cookie
That sucks.