Hypothetical speaking, if we just started rounding up and killing all the trump supporters...

Hypothetical speaking, if we just started rounding up and killing all the trump supporters, would Biden do anything to stop us?

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No but if we rounded up all the feed and seed would chuck stop us?

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Why bother? They're killing themselves with covid.

LoL desperate much?

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so fucking gay

You could try, but you'll get shot pretty quick.

No. Biden is not a dictator or a police officer. The entire nation isn't waiting for Biden's permission to take a piss.
You absolutely would meet fierce resistance from.the police. The military if your cause is large enough. You would quickly be labelled a domestic terrorist organization and if you're organized enough, a militia that has declared war against a class of American people.
And Biden doesn't have to do or say shit for any of this to happen.
What he will do, is likely go on tv and denounce your actions, and the Democrats and Republicans would likely sign a non partisan bill to increase domestic security spending. Then once you're all obliterated, your new 9/11 antics would mean those left would have to live with cameras in our colons for the safety of the nation.

Behold. The master race.

no, we're not. All the fat fuck libs are. Keep eaiting hot pockets and doritos.

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wow what a bunch of losers

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Yup. That meme pic makes it true.

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Seethe faggot.


Lol die mad ;)

whatever fat ass. I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. Why aren't you rounding us up, soy boy? Afraid of REAL men?

i think we should. fuck trumpoids

>hurdur let's murder our political opponents
>we are also the good guys !!

fucking trannies, man, they are too retarded to grasp even the most basic of concepts

I'd vote for him again just to watch him mop the floor with Hillary

They didn’t do anything when we stole the election why would they do anything now?

Why should we allow those inferior to us to live? Just kill the trump supporters, they have the lowest IQs of all whites.

Can you really call yourself a man if you've never proven it?

Did you not learn your lesson from Kyle?

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if you remove one of the two parties in your country, you are left with a one party state, do you happen to know what other system had such an arrangement ?
of course not, you are dumber than a bag of crushed rocks