Could a full grown man subsist on breast milk alone? Also milk truck thread

Could a full grown man subsist on breast milk alone? Also milk truck thread.

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Probably for a few weeks at least maybe longer but you would be sucking her dry. It might be fun to try but those tits would be destroyed afterwards

You'd need like three lactating women at least

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If you had a healthy woman with a 2,500 calorie diet, in full lactation mode, she wouldn't be able to keep up. Two would suffice
without taking into account you'd have to drain their udders daily

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Holy fuck you retards can't even do basic internet searches like "breast milk production daily"

Average women produce 1 liter daily, maybe double that if they have bigger breasts (not more fat, but naturally bigger boobs)

You need around 2.5 liters to maintain a 2,000-2,500 calorie intake, and a shit ton of lactaid pills. I don't care how much milk you already drink, your body doesn't produce the enzymes to get the calories you need.

So you want 3 cows milking at any given moment.

Assuming 2 years of milk production, and 4 months of pregnancy to start production again (terminating the pregnancy as soon as she starts dripping) you would be safe with four women. You could even give them a few month break, if you stagger production.

I don't think it's a caloric issue but more of a nutrition issue. Breast milk is mostly fat but is probably lacking elsewhere.

It's the perfect food.
Subsisting, might not need 2,000 calories either. You'd have minimal to no bowel movements and these women would be doing all the chores and everything to bring you the nutrients you need.

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Full production from one woman is 25-35 ounces a day.
Here’s your readout. Figure it out
Captcha: GRAMP

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Based Immortan Joe and his Mothers Milk

We're not quite as autistic as you but thanks for that post. Maybe go over to the aspie test thread and post results

So you’d be rockin under 700 calories a day.
I doubt you’d make it very long since minimum needed to “survive” is like 1200

2 women fully producing could get you there. So yeah, it’s possible


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According to the chart you would need about 12 cups per day to get 2000 calories.
You will be short on the following nutrients:
>sodium 12%
>potassium 36%
>carbs 60%
>fiber 0%
>protein 60%
>magnesium 12%
>iron 0%
>b6 0%
>vitamin D 12%
>calcium 84%
>cobalamin 12%

You would have to drink 100 cups (6.25 gallons) per day to get enough nutrients but then you start "overdosing" on others.

Breast milk alone would not be sufficient to sustain life for long periods alone. It could keep you alive in a extreme senerio but that's it.

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