Anyone else have a vasectomy? Let's to discuss

Anyone else have a vasectomy? Let's to discuss.

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>Let's to discuss.
You good there Sergei?

I don't but I want one

I got a reversable one

No would never even if paid. However, every side piece I've had that was married - their husband was vasectomied. They just crave the real thing.

Best decision of my life

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Fuck that

Yep. Mostly painless - just ached a bit after the anaesthetic wore off. The biggest change for me (and a few of my mates that have had it done) is the serious reduction in splooge volume. Mine pretty much just has a flag pop out the end with "BANG" on it. It's fun to fuck some one nighter chick raw and watch her lose her shit when I "cum" inside her. Max keks.

Larping virgin

I have several years ago. The peace of mind of a care free nut are priceless. If you get one, periodically get tested in case things 'reconnect'.

Yep. In and out of doc in 20 mins 2 days of discomfort then done. Really no big deal

so zero of zero. cool story bro

thats how you get your ass stuck paying child support.
vasectomies are only 95% effective. the chance to get pregnant is still there.

No because I'm not a pathetic cuck tied to one woman.

You got three zeroes user.

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Lucky bastard. The only/most painful part was him pulling the tube away from the lining of my nutbag. Hurt like hell. Motherfucker wouldn't even give me valium or anything just local shots into my dick and balls

Had no reduction in volume. And, weirdly enough, nutting feels better now than it did before. No idea why.

I'm still hesitant. I have two boys and we had two abortions because they are just too much and the wife was having hormonal problems plus we are just waayyy too fertile together. Literally one time when she was supposedly on her period and she still got pregnant. The firstborn was probably conceived two weeks after ovulation maybe ten days.

That's even more reason to get a vasectomy you dumb fuck

>serious reduction in splooge volume

actual sperm is only a few % of the volume so rather doubtful.

>vasectomies are only 95% effective
Incorrect. Other than an rare botched surgery, they're one of the most effective forms of birth control approaching 100%.

Once you've confirmed sterility, you're good to go.

You are a piece of shit for being complicit in the murder of two of your own children.

Happy to read most of you are happy with it! I’ll have my one done next week, if I don’t catch the ‘rona until then (quite high risk)

Yup. It allowed me to have a shit ton of safe fun with random women. Not having to worry about her screwing up her pills or whatever makes sex a lot more fun.

That said I don't value sex with randos anymore and might get it reversed so I can have kids. Otherwise I'll just be one of you guys posting on Any Forums and crying when I'm 50

>Once you've confirmed sterility, you're good to go.
Yeah he must have been confused with the chance before being confirmed sterile


Wishing your mom did the same for you huh?

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Good luck brother, stay safe and happy recovery! Enjoy the percs