You do support lgbt rights, don't you Any Forums?

You do support lgbt rights, don't you Any Forums?

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generally yeah

Yes im bi and trans

I did, but then the trannies attacked!

Sure, especially lgbt spammers.

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I do support the LittleGirlBoy part, but definitely not the Trans part.

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Why wouldn't I? Culture wars are made by the elite to keep you distracted from how they're fucking your ass

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I used to until they kept crying about bigotry when it isn't remotely an issue anymore and they are clearly just grasping for more power

I only support the ones I fuck



Imagine being so afraid of your own dick that you want to chop it off.

I also support the lefts along the rights, dem fgts need them beating to straighten them up, boy.

Yeah I support LGBTQP and MAPs too

No, I dont care much for faggots. Homos already have their rights, anything more is unnecessary faggotry

Im not changing my genitals lol

Yeah man me too. I love MAPs and they deserve equality just as much as a tranny faggot does

Hell no


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I support the LGBs, the MAPs, and most especially the AAMs.

>bi and trans
how the fuck does that even work?
im both an woman and a man and i only can't fuck transmenwomenstraightalbinochudduckshelicoptersneedfeed un gendered people of non-beingness?

I like guys and girls what's confusing about it lol

Only when they are not shoving that shit down everyone's throat. They are honestly just as bad as vegans going 5 minutes without telling anyone they are vegan

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I couldn’t agree more as far as MAP goes. Minor attracted people definitely deserve the right to do whatever they want. There’s nothing wrong with kids. We’re in the year 2022 so I don’t know why people would be so ignorant and hateful towards MAPs at this point. They definitely should lower the age of consent. I mean you’d think Biden would be all for it.. I don’t know why they haven’t lowered the age of consent yet. If they don’t lower the age of consent by 2024 then I have no faith in humanity. They shouldn’t really even have an age limit for fucking. It’s perfectly natural and normal to fuck anyone no matter what age.

Arent the majority of guy dudes a result of pedophilia?
