What actual science fiction tier technology are we gonna get in our lifetimes?

What actual science fiction tier technology are we gonna get in our lifetimes?

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nothing useful, just more phones

The only technology we have now is sex surgery to become a woman.

>become a woman
Except you don't. Maybe in the future the whole sex-""changing"" process would improve, but not now.

automatic language policing


>Mutilating your body is being a woman

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actual /thread worthy answers

social credit score driven by omnipotent AI with face recognition technology
it sure as hell ain't flying cars

Augmented-reality nigger holograms in every home.

I am NOT a big green tech fag or anything, but I have to admit photo voltaic cells are going to be interesting.

I have a big anti-tech Kaczynski-ite friend who insists that nuclear and solar and wind and literally everything that isn't Amish tier tech is going to expire and become unfeasible in the next century or less as fossil fuels become prohibitively expensive and industry slows to a crawl.

I recently found, however, PVs are actually at parity now. They produce sufficient amounts of energy to manufacture their replacement and power the homes and businesses they service. All this means that the skeptics that hate on renewables and want to be in a neo malthusian period may not get their wish and we get really impressive solar cells in the next 50 years. They might actually be the perfect solution in tandem with nuclear.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-02 at 16-51-07 types-of-solar-panels-section-1.jpg (JPEG Image 1025 × 625 pixels).png (1025x625, 1.34M)

2070 Paradigm Shift

I think the AR/VR stuff can be cool.

Attached: 985209.png (1500x844, 2.16M)

For me? It's energy harvesting. My mcu sensor meshwork will see the glowies coming a mile away

used to dream about having a computer that fits into a pocket as a kid. now everyone has one or two. shit happens all the time. personally id like to see commercially available human - computer interface. vr linking directly to your brain kind of thing.

what you become is some sad abomination which in best case scenario looks somewhat good but that's the current limit.

Drone technology seems to be getting more complex. I'm guessing in the future hologarams will be little drones, but maybe we're way far off from that at this point.

I mean they have the techology to make holograms with clear glass already, but maybe it just looks like shit? maybe its too expensive?

1920 x 1080 image
You'd have to have 1080 ultra thin clear glass screens to complete the image in HD

Explain please


I think it would be okay if it did what Google Stadia claimed, with indistinguishable quality and no lag. And if the devices are cross platform and discreet as they are just too bulky and uncomfortable now.

Like a GITS cyberbrain in the OP? I wouldn't mind it if it were ENTIRELY under my control. I don't wanna go to Zuckerberg's Metaverse, but if it were a custom built and programmed thing where I could install something nitty gritty like an arch or gentoo OS on it then maybe it could be good. I do NOT want a Google cyberbrain.

>I'm guessing in the future hologarams will be little drones
It'll be this

All that's required is to refine that tech for a few decades and it'll be golden.
>inb4 this problem
>inb4 that problem
Go look at the first TV and cry about it, there is no hurdle we cannot overcome.

>Explain please
youtube.com/watch?v=SmicRDpS5Gk shit's funny until it's not because some of the talking points are actually happening right now.

Oh shit yeah I forgot Hyde did this. I massively swing between Hyde being a legit genius or a Eddie Bravo tier nut who steps his foot in the truth by just going full retard.