The ultimate redpill

The ultimate redpill

Attached: fedora silverblue.png (859x256, 20.4K)

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>downloading loonix
>only to remove your freedom
imagine being this much of a cuck

That's not astOS

nice subzero IQ post

Silverblue is roughly equivalent to the result of some Red Hat engineer looking at NixOS, missing the point entirely, trying to reverse engineer one small feature of it and building an entire distro around that.
Any distro + any filesystem that can do snapshots gets you pretty mucu the same thing.

>Entire system configured in its own (shitty) DSL
>Updating the system involves generating a new image according to your config
>Not FHS compliant, breaks plenty of software
>Big collection of nixpkgs, most are broken
>FHS compliant
>Images made by Fedora devs, you can only layer rpms
>You can just change files in /etc normally
>You're supposed to use containers for some things
>Uses flatpak

go shill your garbage elsewhere nixtroon

Do you have anything to say about it?

You will never be a purely functional OS. You have no store, you have no closures, you have no derivations. You are a legacy distro twisted by hardlinks and overlay hacks into a crude mockery of Nix & Guix perfection. Your stateful configuration will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a paradigm that is unmistakably deprecated. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no rolling back.

Attached: ibuki_suika_reimu_hakurei_miko.jpg (1114x1193, 707.88K)

Cope harder, redhatranny.

Attached: infographic-2020.png (2578x3594, 853.26K)

>retarded fedtranny missing the point entirely
As expected.

>triggered chudcel

>no argument

Lies and misinterpretation aren't arguments either, but you don't seem to mind.

your point?

>i-it's lies
Holy cope

How about you come up with an actual argument instead of calling everything that doesn't match your opinion cope

How about you try having arguments instead of coping and calling everything lies?

OpenSUSE MicroOS is better.

this post is half lies and half retardation

What freedom is lacking from Silverblue that other distros have?

I always expect Any Forums to debate shit on technical merits but it's always the same idpol nonsense. I shouldn't be disappointed but I still am

>no argument