Is it ok to be drunk at work?

is it ok to be drunk at work?

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Sure, go for it.

Only if you are doing something delicate

depends Any Forumsro, what do you do for work?

I don't really want my dentist or surgeon to be drunk. But like some dude from HR? Who cares. Well maybe my dentists that nigga only sees me for like 5 minites looks at my xrays and then asks me if I've been flossing. He's probably already drunk.

graveyard shift doesn't start until 1 am so I still have a couple of hours. good thing there's a bus that will pick us all up.

security guard at a warehouse. at 28 im pretty sure im the youngest guy down there

depends on the risk youre in. if its high security i wouldnt but anything else is free game like fuck. hanging out ouside of a warehouse filled with like glass or lexan then fuck it

Knew a nurse once that was at work and accidentally knocked over her big ass cup. Full of vodka. Bitch waved at everyone for the last time and clocked out.

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I mean I pour my whiskey coffee every morning in my thermos. My tolerance is so high no one notices.

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my work policy is as long as you’re under 0.04 they can only send you home without pay for the rest of the day
policy is also repeat offenses can result in termination
t. i read our yearly ‘training’ shit

you union?

nah, but we’re subject to medicare/medicaid billing nonsense
not sure if that matters

huh. surprised you have much of any job protection at all in terms of cause for termination without a union contract. maybe capitalism is working (it's not).

it is

bro if you're under .04 you're not even drunk lol

well it happens in the private sector
like this guy said, been working well for me
and i’m a drunk

but that’s company policy
i imagine it was set there because legal limit for DUI is 0.08

I work as a chef

>Last summer
>Wedding of 500 people bought out our restaurant for their reception
>Brought in two 30 cases of PBR and some nice tequila for around 6-7 line cook.

Best day I've ever had working

Everyone knows.