If we brought a Nazi from 1930s to the present day, would they vote Republican or Democrat and why?

If we brought a Nazi from 1930s to the present day, would they vote Republican or Democrat and why?

Attached: 742385C0-8C1E-40B8-A29B-91AC04CF9A30.jpg (1936x1936, 551.31K)

honestly theyd probably vote democrat since nazis are retarded just like leftists

Neither because both are filled to the brim with jews

They’d blow their brains out like any sane person who found themselves in the us

Genuinely? A Nazi would probably vote democratic on the stipulation that the democratic party that the democratic party wouldn't be full of shit eating far lefties.


This, 100%.
These fucks are the traitors, they are the degenerates, they are the worst minority.

Like the hemorrhoid's they are they'll go away eventually, but not before causing a lot of needless aggravation.

Attached: nothing of value.png (1620x562, 1.4M)

Too bad democracy doesn't work when your country is filled with niggers and jews.

Trump supporters seem to be the only people who think it doesn’t work. Sounds like you’re just sore losers.

Honestly, considering trump supporters are genetically inferior they’d choose democrats. We’ve all seen the studies by now. Trump niggers ain’t white

what fags became Any Forums threaten
with stealing an IP and they deleted the thread of ¿are you racist? " daggg I'm retarded" if you were schizo I would respect you but just for being a fag I spit you away from me.

So- you think things are going great right now in the US? You must be like 15 and have zero frame of reference.

So you think republicans didn’t cause this shit? You must be 13 and get your opinions from Facebook boomer memes

A Democrat is president now and things .are going great, you stupid fuck.

They’d start a revolution with aspirations to bring in a dictatorship government, and if it picked up momentum, they’d shoot anyone who openly opposed of it, on site.

they would want to fucking kill themselves if they saw what the earth has become

Sane people blow other people's brains out, not their own. If about 10-15k people were killed the entire world could change. We need another pogrom.

They'd vote for whomever would give them the most time and money, and then use the platform from that to perform the ol' switcheroo and usher in a totalitarian state. Same shit as before.

Attached: Again, Hitler was not a socialist.jpg (794x1123, 196.04K)

democrats literally kneel for niggers. I think Hitler would side with the repoublicucks and then cleanse them off any jewish influence. SIEG HEIL

Why do you think they'd side with either party?

you niggers lost tho lol
and don't get uppity and @ me I'd be happy to go round 2 you sniveling worm

1930's zombie nazis voting and still the Libertarian party only gets 1.2% of the vote.

Attached: to dine free.png (1080x948, 1003.01K)