Literally a standardized macropad for free

>literally a standardized macropad for free
>millennials cut it off and literally reinvent the firmware wheel to compensate for the lack of it

Attached: numpad.jpg (1024x785, 262.02K)

Not all of us can afford a full sized desk boomer

how poor are (you) ???

>has to move your hand 10 cm further to reach the mouse
If you really need a macropad or a numpad, just buy one separately and put it on the left of your keyboard

This thread again.

What I don't need I don't buy, OP.

he is either pajeet or one of those pod livers

Enjoy the repetitive stress injury in your shoulder blades that the extra distance from the mouse gives you. Numpads would be perfectly reasonable on the left side of the keyboard, but I suppose the l*fty who designed the standard keyboard layout had a different idea.

fuck you i use a left-handed mouse

numpad should be located on the left side, not the right. TKL+separate numpad would be ideal.
prove me wrong.

Attached: president afrobama.png (647x364, 107.73K)

I can't, but right is what people are used to. Good luck forcing them to learn to use it quickly with the left hand.

>>has to move your hand 10 cm further to reach the mouse
The horror

mouse in right hand
pgup/pgdn/home/end/arrows in the left with numlock off
perfect for shitposting online.


i use numpad enter, plus, slash and star, and it's useful that it's next to the mouse. i love my numpad :)

This is some applefag level of copium.
Q: My device doesn't do the optimal thing or doesn't have the right feature?
A: Who on Earth would need that, lol!

Also it does actually matter when you work for 8 hours everyday on a pc, I've noticed a lot less wrist and elbow strain when I switched from a full sized keyboard to an 80% one.

Not having to press shift when i want to type number more than makes up for the tiny extra distance i have to move one of my hands

Just map the numbers to FN+qweasdzxc.

Are you fucking braindead, or just pretending?
I literally just said, if you need a numpad, just buy a separate one and put it to the left of your keyboard.

Doing it just once or twice is not a big deal. Doing it constantly, over and over, over the course of an entire computing session does get tiring after a while. You'll notice the difference immediately when trying out a compact keyboard.

rent free