Why animals exist?

Why animals exist?

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for food

we are animals bro

to keep us company on earth or to be eaten.

I know user, I was talking about us too

tools lots of trials to get it right

Because fish crawl out of sea.

Many such cases

For snuggles

no reason in particular

Animal rights is an idiotic movement. The distinction between me and an ape is arbitrary, true. But the same applies to fish, trees and grass. We have decided collectively that the presence of 'a brain' means that they have the right to live. But why? Hitler had a brain, and most don't think he deserves to live, right? Why is his behavior 'less animalistic' than an ape? Does this generally accepted stance not contradict this 'animals are smart' statement? Who decides how smart is smart enough? Why stop at animals? You aren't crying for our carrot brothers ground into smoothies. They can't 'feel' it? Then can we kill those that can instantly? Why does 'feeling it' mean it's wrong? I feel bad all the time. That's why we want to save the fucking cow? It'll feel bad?
Stupid shit-heads only take their arguments half way.

That is not what OP asked tou fucking inbreaded retard

I don't care. I want to fight somebody

Best answer so far

Because two rocks happened to form at just the right distance from the sun.

life diversifying itself through endless mutation and adaptation over hundreds of millions of years

We’re actually not animals lol

We're still made up of living organic material. We're animals.

Yes we are retard, you didn't go to elementary school?

They be racist, the animals take billions of dollars a year to support.
Dis money could be going to Welfare programs for Blacks and more taxpayer dollars could be going to Underserved Communities. Kill all animals for Black History Month.
BLM white lives don't
Defund the police
Harris 2024

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for sustenance

Right? I'm pretty sure I'm a mushroom.