What happened to the hype for 3d printers?

seems to be completely dead

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>the end product is shitty for anything but animu figurines

They're not the Star Trek replicators laymen expected them to be, but they're a godsend in crafting and DIY communities.

The hype became a norm in the professional industry and enthusiasts focused on something else because it wasn't that good unless you had a real use case for it

they haven't really changed since they showed up a decade ago

The people who want to print miniatures are satisfied. The people who want to print guns are also satisfied.
The demand is now fulfilled, and it will not grow.

They're used in industry for prototyping all the time, with Str*tasys making stupid money for their overpriced machines and materials. People not printing knick-knack shit are satisfied and use them for plenty of purposes. Normies just buy their knick-knacks from amazon. If you can't model your own shit there is no reason to own a printer; so basically the same as 8 years ago.

turns out they're only good for making funco pops. Let me know when I can 3D print a working Rolex.

Dumb nigger, they’re making rockets with 3d printers now

It’s the state of the art

I make dildos in spiralized mode only. It's always a rush knowing in might break. If it doesn't, I know I had good layer adhesion and wall thickness.

you can already do it with reverse 3d printing, 3d cutting

This, they're extremely useful for making quick mockups and prototypes.

Just last weekend I 3D printed some buttons (for sewing) instead of ordering a pack and waiting.

I've already improved lots of things around the house since I started thinking "If only I had a piece of rigid plastic shaped exactly like this".

my prusa xl preorder is still waiting for them to ship, nothing to do till they actually release it but wait.

additive manufacturing is the future

Still too expensive.

Assume OP means for the home user, at a reasonable cost for most people.

The issue is materials, honestly. Printable plastic can only achieve so much, and for anything better than simple toys/objects you need a level of precision that just can't fit inside of $5,000, forget $500.

You want 3d printed replacement parts for around the house (the only thing I actually think it's useful for) you're gonna pay tens of thousands for a sub-millimeter accurate, metals capable machine.

The final products still look like shit. Lines everywhere

you could get an ender 3 pro for 100 bucks from microcenter a few weeks back

All the fun stuff is gun things.

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The material costs are too expensive not the printer.

for who?

only intelligent people can use them, otherwise they're just a toy spawner

What really needs to happen is a revolution in photogrammetry and cad software. That or a wikipedia of everything thats ever existed along with its 3d model needs to be made. It always puts people off so much when they learn its actually really hard to print a new battery cover for the TV remote.

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