Your thoughts? Also, what cheap mouse would you recommend for a person who never used such mouse

Your thoughts? Also, what cheap mouse would you recommend for a person who never used such mouse.

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*cheap trackball mouse

easily the best trackball on the market, I have had mine for about 2 years now and love it

How long does it take to get used to it? Hows the percision, better, worse than with regular mouse or similar? I also considered normal vertical mouse due to my fingers starting to feel numb. Thanks for your input.

i think this is more natural and easier ot use then a vertical mouse to be honest. the vertical mouse is also just ugly, back in the early 2000's trackball mice were all the rage, but phased away so i used them back then when i was young. Learning/getting use to it is very easy, if you have never used one it may feel slow at the start but you can adjust the speed and once you get use to the ball you will never forget how to use it, i use a trackball and a normal mouse all the time just depending on what im doing.

if your fingers are starting to feel numb this mouse is great, its one of the reasons i got it, i would also suggest you start working out, training your fore arms and grips really help.

The precision with a trackball is way better then a standard mouse in my personal opinion because you actually slow down slightly when using it. however the speed and precision all come down to the mouse speed settings you chose to use.

you can also connect to two different computers at the same time with the MX-Ergo, so i will have the USB bluetooth dongle in one computer and connect to another computer with bluetooth and you can swap between the two of them with the button on the mouse which is useful.

I would also suggest.. There are tons of different trackball mice out there some are like 40-60 bucks.. but i will say ive had probably 3 or 4 different trackball mice before this one and i would say, dont waste your money trying a 'cheaper mouse'. the build quality and experience of the MX-ERGO is the best one and worth paying the extra, if you do chose to use a cheaper model and compare it with this the build quality is noticeable, the ball is smother and everything is just more precise and higher quality on this mouse.

its also probably better for your wrist because you're not moving your wrist around, its sitting still on a large surface at an angel and only your thumb is moving.

Beware of trading a strained wrist for a strained thumb.
In my experience the best cure for RSI is to reduce mousing - it's that simple. Use keyboard as much as possible, and give up mouse-heavy gaming. Sorry :)

>Your thoughts?
whether it's agreeable or not depends on you. i had minor RSI-like pain in my hands (mainly from mouse use) and switched to an MX Ergo. the resulting pain in my thumb was worse. i switched to a split keyboard and avoid the mouse and things are, for now, fine

Thank you!
Ive heard lots of opinions and most of them say trackball is very hard to get used to and many people might give up. Ergo is quite expensive where i live and found m575 for half of the price, I also dont know if i'd end up using it long term as I have 0 experience with trackballs. Is it fairly similar quality wise and worth getting or should I go all in on the top model? Anyways, thanks for giving me more insight.

I dont know how to learn touch typing with all fingers. I type quickly and just fine with pointing fingers. I thought about split heyboard but i guess im too retarded to learn using all fingers.
22:22:22 noice
Keyboard doesnt change that, i feel slight numbness when my hand is in flat position, i guess changing keyboard to k860 ergo like would do the trick.

aside from the buttons being too loud, it's great. I swapped in some silent switches and it's perfect.

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>I dont know how to learn touch typing with all fingers.
it takes a few (pretty miserable) days to relearn. my wpm went from 100+ to 10. it took about 3 days to get up to 50 and another few weeks to get to 100+ again. i used, but there are loads of similar tools. (i use a Moonlander, for what it's worth. it's disgustingly expensive, but it solved my problems.)

The button on the bottom left of my Kensington Slimblade stopped working completely.
Anyone here recommend the Elecom HUGE? It has a few more buttons so it looks appealing.

>thumb ball

does the ball actually detect movement like a trackpad or is this just for aesthetic purposes

also how do i assign my side mouse buttons for clipboard copy paste?
is there an autoit/autohotkey script to change scrolling speed? the dpi switch only changes mouse

you roll the ball with your thumb and it moves the cursor

>also how do i assign my side mouse buttons for clipboard copy paste?
>is there an autoit/autohotkey script to change scrolling speed? the dpi switch only changes mouse
I don't think they make a version for people with autism yet

4 years here can confirm one of my best purchases


I own this one, it was less than 20. Takes a while to get really into one. I really only use it when I'm on my laptop resting on my bed.

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x400, 23.61K)

>assign my side mouse buttons for clipboard copy paste
logitech options lets you do it if you're on windows.

can you play starcraft with it?