It's time all the NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

It's time all the NIGGERS fucked off back to Africa

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Then you should back to Europe too dumbass

Kek what a pathetic thread. You thought you were some hot shit creating this thread, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes. No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible OP you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb thread.

there is a difference between an african, a black african, and a nigger.

niggers are specific to america. they are american black africans basically, the term african american is used for a reason.

it is to not disrespect the africans by relating your retard behaviour as a part of their society.

even africa doesnt want your african americans back. theyre the most brain dead, dipshit level stupid demographic of humans on this entire planet.

what america really needs to do, is assign a single state and 'relocate' them all to there.

african = african
african american = nigger

Why you posting this in every thread you see, are you completely retarded? Kill yourself

>african = [s]african[/s] nigger
>african american = nigger





well what do you guys think?

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Please go back

I hear two stay whiet boy

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YWNBAW, racist.